Friday, May 30, 2008

Heads Up, New Orleanians

Humid City has publised and email by Matt McBride, who is a well placed thorn in the side of the hapless Corpse of Engineers in New Orleans.

In his email, Matt discusses the necessity of the public release of a final report on the London Avenue canal load test, held last summer. That report has already been through independent peer review.

For those of you who aren't from this area, The London Avenue Canal Levee and floodwall was breached during or shortly after Hurricane Katrina in late August of 2005. This breach contributed to the flooding of New Orleans. Some has speculated that were it not for the breachs most of western Gentilly may have been spared from major flooding.

click pic for full-sized version

Quoted from Matt's email to the citizens of New Orleans:

The report undoubtedly contains a great deal of information about seepage in existing floodwalls, as that’s what the load test was all about. Getting it released would definitely shine light on what the Corps currently knows about leaks through levees and floodwalls, much more so than a press conference and vague promises of future reviews. They’ve already got the information, so why not put it out there?

good question.

thanks to Loki for the heads up

1 comment:

George "Loki" Williams said...

You're quite welcome! Check back a bit later, I just got another email from Matt that I am throwing up as soon as I get home from work.

Monday Smile