Showing posts with label racist americans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racist americans. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Telfair County High School

These kids represent Telfair County High School in McRae, Georgia.    These racist children were angry because they lost to a team that was obviously better than them.  Their problem:  the other team was black. 

School Principal Eric Cowart called the photo, which the school became aware of Tuesday, “highly offensive” and told The Washington Post on Friday that the students have been disciplined.

I think these kids, as well as their parents, need more than discipline.  

Thursday, May 17, 2018


By now you've seen or heard about the possibly bi-polar, certainly xenophobic, definitely racist New York lawyer Aaron Schlossberg's recent rage incident that happened in a cafeteria when he heard people speaking to each other in Spanish.  Video below.

He's racist AND a liar.  From the Rawstory website:

Schlossberg’s  website advertises himself as “a member of the New York State Bar Association,” except, a phone call to the group revealed he is not.
“Mr. Schlossberg is not a member of the New York State Bar Association,” said managing director Dan Weiller

Before he even made it to court, the New York Post caught him leaving for work.  

True to racist form ala the bitch in Oakland,  racist lawyer bro cried for police protection.  From the NY Post:

Schlossberg, carrying a briefcase and wearing a black ski cap and a suit and tie, used his open umbrella to hide his face and appeared to shoot cellphone video of the gathered media outside his West 60th Street building.
“Please send help,” Schlossberg was then heard saying into his cellphone. “They’re claiming things that aren’t true … grabbing me, not letting me walk.”
“They won’t let me move. They’re surrounding me,” Schlossberg said on the call before hopping into a yellow cab on West 60th Street near Tenth Avenue.

In other reactions, some enterprising person took to yelp to change the description of Schlossberg's business to "Spanish restaurant". 

Speaking of yelp, his law firm is getting 1 star reviews on the crowdsourced review platform.  read the story here.

A few days later, some very inventive people have come up with ideas to put this racist bastard at ease:

It's not surprising that Schlossberg supports the P.O.S. currently ruining the country.  According to the"&gt">
 Center for Responsive Politics,
  Schlossberg donated $500 to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, who promised to crack down on immigration and build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Aw, it appears that Schlossberg has lost his office space due to his racist tantrum
But wait!!  It seems this lunatic has gone off the deep end before.  Watch this from October, 2016: 

BBQ Becky

Wow, it's been a busy few weeks for American racists, hasn't it?  

A woman who recently has been identified as Jennifer Schulte (BBQ Becky), was extremely miffed that some black people were having a cookout in a barbecue-designated area of Lake Merritt Park in Oakland, California.  She was SO upset that she stood around for hours waiting for the police to show up.  

This video is 28 minutes long.  It proves that when people are tainted by racism, there is no helping them.  

The most sickening part of this video is at the very end, where Jennifer completely breaks down when the police "finally show up", claiming that she was being chased and they were so mean to her.  Ugh, I'd love to slap her racist face.   This starts at 24 minutes into the video.

The woman behind the filming is Michelle Snider and I applaud her for not backing down.  The card that she keeps trying to get back from BBQ Becky was a business card of  one of the  men trying to have the cookout. 

As with any serious story in America today, eventually there will be memes and other ways to illustrate just how ridiculous people can be.  Check out this remix below:"> reports  The 41-year-old Jennifer Schulte, whose name has been in some reports misspelled Jennifer Shulte, graduated from Stanford University in 2006 with a Ph.D in chemical engineering, according to her now-deleted Linkedin profile. That detail and her use of the name Dr. Jennifer Schulte on social media has led some to believe she is a professor or otherwise employed by Stanford.

But the California university distanced itself from her on Twitter, writing, “According to our records, a person by this name earned graduate degrees at Stanford more than a decade ago. She is not employed as staff or as a faculty member.” An entry on a Stanford website shows that she was part of the James Swartz Research Group in the chemical engineering and bioengineering department.
From twitter, information gleaned from her now deleted Linkedin account:  

Schulte is a North Dakota native and attended the University of North Dakota for her undergraduate degree in chemical engineering. She has lived in Oakland since 2006.

Also from twitter, looks like someone caught Jennifer leaving Oakland after hopefully being fired from her job.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Scuzzbuckets of the Week

The unnamed manager of Wild Wings Cafรฉ in Charleston, South Carolina and the racist customer who caused a situation are the scuzzbuckets of the week.

Taken from Mediaite dot com:

After waiting over two hours, customer Michael Brown and his family, who were at the restaurant for a going-away party, were told that there was “a situation.”

“[The manager] said there’s a situation where one of our customers feels threatened by your party, so she asked us not to seat you in our section, which totally alarmed all of us because we’re sitting there peaceably for two hours,” Brown said.

When a member of the party began filming the exchange, the manager asked them to leave.

“I asked her I want to be clear with you,” Brown said. “I said, ‘So you’re telling me I have to leave.’ She said, ‘I have a right to deny you service.’ I said, ‘So you’re asking me to leave because you’re upset because he was recording you, after we’ve waited for two hours, and after you’ve already pretty much discriminated on us,’ and she answered, ‘Yes.’”

To follow the ongoing crawfishing by Wild Wings' corporate asses, here is the link to the Facebook page

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Scuzzbuckets of the Week

From Americans against the Tea Party website, this piece let's us in on the scary people out there trying to "change 'Merica".

The “missing link” in human evolution, Mike Huckabee and violent, racist, pants-pooping draft-dodger Ted Nugent joked that it might be fun to turn Nugent’s hunting dog loose on the Democrats in Washington.

Nugent bragged about his dog Gonzo, saying, “We literally hunt anywhere between 250 and 300 days a year. And you think Gonzo is good on ducks, you should see him on squirrels and doves and rabbits and woodcock and grouse. He really is a mystical, wonderful hunting dog.”

Huckabee replied “Well, maybe we ought to turn him loose on some Democrats and see if he can hunt them too!”

Nugent agreed, saying, “Well, there’s a lot of varmints out there. I think he would do good pointing to varmints and then we could vote them out of office. What do you say?”

“I’m all about it!” said Huckabee.

Hmm. Turning dogs on liberals…where have we seen that before?

Here's the audio

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Why the disgusting hate?

I have seen all of the low life name calling and discussions from his opposites

Here we go again.

Another straight up a-hole racist has disrespected President Obama and black people.

Barbara Espinosa, radio host of Arizona’s “Hair on Fire” program called President Obama the nation’s “first monkey president”.

It happened after a listener called in, ranting about how he calls the president “Rabbit Ears” and wants to know who voted for “the idiot.”

Then Espinosa put in her two cents saying, “Well, I don’t call him “rabbit ears,” I call him a monkey,” she said. “I don’t believe in calling him the first Black president, I call him the first Monkey president.”

But a listener didn’t let her get away with her racist comment. A man named Joe called in and blasted her for her ignorance.

“This show just took a very interesting turn. I’ll be honest with you; It’s amazing that people who supposedly care about freedom are unwilling to be tolerant of any other idea other than their own. You know, I’m not saying
their ideas are right, but how about citing them intellectually instead of calling names. I have to say to you, the few things I just heard, they’re insulting. I mean, straight up insulting, and I think anyone listening would feel the same way. I think that if all you’re trying to do is get a little bit of notoriety by what you said and maybe that will bring some attention to your show, well you know, that’s your choice, but you know what, that was wrong.”

And as usual, whenever a racist gets caught, they try convince themselves and anybody stupid enough to believe them that they’re not racist.

In Espinoza’s case, she’s pleading she can’t be a racist because … well, because her name is Espinoza.

Check out her “monkey” comment:

A Message from Robert Reich

  After Trump and Vance’s disgraceful treatment of President Zelensky last Friday, some of you might feel ashamed of America. You might even...