Showing posts with label Trump fraud trial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump fraud trial. Show all posts

Friday, October 13, 2023

Tom on the Washington Follies

 So Speaker McCathy has been toppled and the problem is now one of who will replace him.  McCarthy's overthrow is no great loss.  He was  a weak Speaker who played a weak hand in a weak manner.  His words and promises couldn't be trusted.  He lied to members of his own caucus and he lied to the Democrats. In an institution based upon personal relationships, a liar is soon marginalized. 

The House can't properly function without a Speaker, and the Republican caucus is deeply conflicted. Because they are conflicted, they've decided to take the week off and contemplate the mockery that they've made of the US in the eyes of the world, not that any of them care too much.  As many of them see it, their job is to obstruct.  And to raise money.  And to build their brand. 

Some 'moderate' Republicans. (moderate only when compared to the 8 nihilists in the GOP caucus when consigned McCarthy's speakership to the swill bucket).   At this point, nothing that happens would surprise me.  While there are 20 or so members of the intransigent right, who have been behind much of the recent discord in the party, there are also 18 current GOP reps who were elected from districts that went for  Mr. Biden in the 2020 presidential race, who are fearing an early political death, who might be interested in voting with the Democrats for the purpose of organizing the House. 

Matt Gaetz, (theme song: "Sweet 16", by Neil Sedaka), has pissed off enough of these moderate and at-risk Republicans that he's in danger of being expelled from the Republican Caucus. Mr. Gaetz is wildly unpopular, even among the GOP caucus. 

The Republican caucus reminds me of the old Irish tale about the Kilkenny cats, who battled each other so fiercely that all that was left over when all was said and done were a couple of tails.  If I had to guess, I'd guess that Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise will emerge as Speaker and Jiim Jordan has tossed his hat into the ring.  Some people believe that the Democrats were the big winners as a result of this week's chaos, but the truth is that there were no winners. The American people are the big losers.

In the meantime, since we're speaking of losers, the judge in the fraud trial involving Donald Trump has apparently had enough of Donald Trump's shenanigans.  Yesterday, the judge imposed a gag order on Trump for referring to his clerk, a woman named Meg Greenfield, as "Chuck Shumer's Girlfriend" in a TruthSocial post that included that caption along with a photo of the two together. 

The fact that a picture of Sen Schumer and Ms. Greenfield exists is unremarkable, since politicians are forever having folks they've never met ask to have their pictures taken with The Great Man, (or woman).  Sometimes people pay actual cash money for the opportunity to be photographed with a prominent solon.  The politician gets cash, which is the "...mother's milk of politics...", and the supplicant gets a picture to hang on their office wall.  This gives the supplicant the opportunity to kickstart a conversation with the line: "When I was talking to my old friend Chuck the other day [(pointing to a clearly dated photo of Sen. Shumer)...". 

I'd rather have my picture taken with a crack whore or a drag queen, for that would make for a far more interesting anecdote. But I digress. 

The judge ordered all parties to refrain from commenting on any member of his staff, and promised sanctions if his order is violated. 

These events show how stupid Mr. Trump is, because it's this very same judge who will rule on the remaining facts in dispute, and assess damages at the end of the day..  His indulgence of his personal resentments could end up costing him tens of millions of dollars in fines and damages and cost him control of his New York properties. 

Every judge in every jurisdiction in the country, from a traffic court in Upstate New York, to the hallowed chambers of SCOTUS, is the king or queen of their domain and like all monarchs, they do not take kindly to being disrespected.  As the Red Queen said in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland":  "Off with their heads" .  

Apropos of nothing, I should have attributed the quotation: "Money is the mother's milk of politics", to the late Speaker of the California State Assembly Jesse, (Big Daddy), Unruh.  My favorite 'Unruhism' is his comment on lobbyists: "If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, and then vote against them, you've got no business being up here...".  Such candor is refreshing, if nothing else:)

Buddy Guy at 88

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