Showing posts with label Chase Shipman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chase Shipman. Show all posts

Monday, August 07, 2023

Alabama Boat Brawl

 it was a typical day in Montgomery, Alabama:  Saturday, August 5th. 

Everything seemed chill:  riverboats and ferrys coming and going along Montgomery's downtown riverfront.  Then a group of 'Bama people out for a fun drunk day,  decided to park their pontoon boat at the dock.  Bystanders said the incident began when a river security worker tried to clear the dock along the Alabama River so the Harriott II Riverboat could dock.

A group of rowdy boaters refused to move their pontoon and attacked the dock worker when he untied the boat to make way for the Harriott II.

Watch what takes place.  It may take many watches to take in all that is happening.  

During the day, as I was trying to find out more about the incident and the people involved, I ran across this video.  The commenting had me rolling on the floor laughing.

One of the rednecks involved was a Selma boy named Chase Shipman.  Chase recently bought a gas station/store in Selma from his Mom.  Called Vasser's MiniMart, it's getting a lot of heat from the Bama brawl.  Here's a link:

There is a growing number of memes and new videos springing up on Twitter.  If you need a laugh, just search on #Alabamaboatbrawl.

Here's a "reenactment" of the brawl.  

There's now a Wiki for the brawl, and they have analysis and the full video in order to determine how it started.  It's blatantly obvious.  Here's the link:

I hope some of this gave you a laugh.  It made me laugh and it was fun rooting for the good guys!  I've grown sick and tired of these priviliged white frat boys and their 'chicks' thinking they can do anything they want and get away with it.  

Finally, from Reddit, the best take on the 'BamaBrawl:  

So this is clearly fucked up. But you know... No gunshots, no knife wounds! Just good ole fashioned fistycuffs with an occasional folding chair. Can we call this progress???

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...