Showing posts with label American racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American racism. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Racists Among Us

A woman who was filmed insisting that a group of Hispanic Americans move their car from the street in front of her house is no longer employed.

Lesleigh Franklin, a co-founder of the East Bay Family Institute (which provides mental health services and works with the immigrant community), told the San Francisco Chronicle that she had left her position.

Franklin's coworker, Marisol Reyna stated that
“It’s not appropriate for someone to run it who’s under so much scrutiny,” she said.

“Unfortunately Dr. Franklin was just diagnosed with an illness (that) impacted her mental state of mind on that particular day but that’s not an excuse.”

Posted on Facebook by Jordann Cordova, the footage shows Franklin telling the group of people not to park in front of her house.

From Cordova's Facebook page: 

On Saturday August 4th, my family and I were on our way to a party. So we parked on public parking, in front of the white womans house in this video. This woman began to confront us and began yelling at us without reason. Keep in mind that as soon as I saw her come out of her home, I sincerely asked her why she wanted us to leave. Never did i disrespect her in any way. She wanted us to leave, as we refused she approached our car and tried to open the doors. That's when I began recording because we felt attacked and we know these situations have happened already to black and brown people because of how we look. This woman targeted us AND even questioned our status in this country. I ask people to share and find who this women who claims is immigrants attorney.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Racists Among Us

"I just want to let you know what a n****r you are." -- white man in Ohio went into racist tirade against a Black man who honked at him. His name is Jeffrey A. Whitman, he is the owner of "Uriah's Heating & Cooling," (614) 588-6176

Charles Lovett recorded the confrontation with Jeffrey Whitman, the owner of Uriahs Heating and Cooling, outside of his home Tuesday morning. On the video, Whitman - who was driving a company vehicle at the time - tells Lovett "I just want to tell you what a n***** you are."
He's also heard telling Lovett he's a "rude n*****" and that he's entitled as they argue over whether Lovett had cut off Whitman.
In a statement, Whitman said

"To Charles Lovett and the community,

I apologize for my use of the n word towards Charles Lovett on Tuesday, July 24th. I understand that using the n-word was not only hurtful towards Lovett as an individual, but hurtful towards the Black community at large. Using the word was dehumanizing, unacceptable, and inexcusable. My actions reflect an unhealthy mindset I have developed and I need to work to change. I have served the Black community for the last 9 years, installing furnaces and water heaters with pride. My actions that day are not a reflection of my feelings towards the Black community. I also understand that racial tensions in America are higher than before, and I regret my part in contributing to that tension. I realize that words are hollow without action, and because of the hurt I have caused, I hope I have the opportunity to give back to the Black community that I have harmed in a meaningful way."
When contacted by ABC 6/FOX 28 Tuesday, Whitman didn't want to speak on camera but said in a phone call he regretted it and "I lost my head."

Update 7/29/2018.  From the Columbia Dispatch website, Karma has come calling on Mr. Racist Whitman.  Columnist Theodore Decker writes:

 If Whitman felt entitled to follow, confront and demean a stranger from the seat of his marked company van, thousands of strangers felt obliged to punish him for it.
They shared his image online, overloaded his voicemail and flooded consumer websites like Yelp with hundreds of negative reviews, complete with images of the Ku Klux Klan and Hitler.
“Your type is not wanted in this country any longer, nor are your ‘heating and cooling services’ ever needed again,” reads one.
All of this has had the intended effect.
“It was an awful mistake and obviously I don’t know how to explain it, and it’s ruined my life and it’s ruined my family’s life,” Whitman says.
He says this in a voicemail left for me on Thursday, two days after he most definitely didn’t apologize when confronted by a local television reporter.
Now, in this message, he sounds despondent.
“I’m out of business, I’m completely out, I’m done, I’ll never work in Columbus again,” he says. “This has completely and thoroughly ruined my life.” The message ends abruptly.
Stating the obvious here, driving to a stranger’s house to harass the person with racial slurs is not a “mistake.” It is a chosen course of action. It is stupid and small-minded and threatening and a host of other descriptions now attached to Whitman’s name for Internet eternity.
On Friday, Whitman called again. He said he chose the wrong word and insists he is not a bigot. He provided a woman’s number and urged me to call her. He wouldn’t say why exactly, but I get the sense that he sees her as a character witness.
He rambled a bit and said a few other things, including one sentiment that would have many of his newfound enemies guffawing:

“I just don’t understand the intensity of the hate,” he said.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Racists Among Us

A Korean woman was verbally assaulted with hate speech and spat on while riding the subway in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. 
Seulji Lee detailed the racist encounter in a Facebook post along with a video and photo of the attacker. Lee decided to share her story 

A guy was sitting right next to me on the N train. He said "Fake", "Get the fuck out of my country". But I couldn't make sure he did it to me since I was talking to a friend of mine.
Lee and her friend got up and tried moving to another train, but when they saw the man exit the car, they sat back down. However, the man was clearly stalking her as he reentered the train via the next car.

At the Coney island station, After we got off the train, he spat on my head behind my back.
- I tried to catch him. He shook my hand off, then shoved me toward the train and ran away.

A woman came to her aid and revealed that the man had also been acting strange towards her and her mother as well. She took a picture of the assailant, suspecting that he would try something.

Pending identification.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Racists Among Us - Kids Version

Racist students plaster a Black teacher's class room with "obama you're fired" and "Make america great again" posters and print out a wall, tape it infront of the door of a Mexican teacher's class room.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Racists Among Us

Sheesh, this is getting to be a weekly thing.

This time, it happened over Memorial Day in Berkely.

This group of friends were visiting Berkely and decided to walk to a burger joint.  On the way, an apparent drunk white woman harassed the man in the white baseball cap.  Excerpt from story: 

 “You don’t belong here,” the woman suddenly told Essex Cook. She was fixated on him, he recalled. He said that, though the group was multiracial, he is black and has the darkest skin. “Get out of Berkeley. Get out of here. You don’t belong anywhere,” the woman said over and over.

She was identified in records online as 31-year-old Lauren Milewski. Hong said Milewski has no permanent home address.

According to court records, Milewski was on probation for a 2017 robbery case that was described, when it was charged, as a violent felony that could have sent her to prison. She ultimately took a plea to grand theft, and the rest of the charges in the case were dismissed. Milewski spent a couple months in jail, then was placed on a five-year probation term. According to records online she is no longer in custody and no new charges appear to have been filed.

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Racists Among Us

Anne Marie Messiano, 57, was charged with disorderly conduct for the incident, which happened on June 30th on a bus in the area of Route 303 and Orangeburg Road in Orangeburg. "Get out of my fucking country," she said during the rant, which was captured on video by other riders. "You got a fucking problem with that, call the fucking police. And I hope that you all got your motherfucking papers, you shut up...I'm sick of you motherfuckers." Someone did indeed call the police.
"Go back to your fucking country," she shouted at the bus driver. "First of all motherfucker, in this country we have what's called the First Amendment rights, okay? Which I can say whatever the fuck I want, okay?"

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Telfair County High School

These kids represent Telfair County High School in McRae, Georgia.    These racist children were angry because they lost to a team that was obviously better than them.  Their problem:  the other team was black. 

School Principal Eric Cowart called the photo, which the school became aware of Tuesday, “highly offensive” and told The Washington Post on Friday that the students have been disciplined.

I think these kids, as well as their parents, need more than discipline.  

Thursday, May 17, 2018


By now you've seen or heard about the possibly bi-polar, certainly xenophobic, definitely racist New York lawyer Aaron Schlossberg's recent rage incident that happened in a cafeteria when he heard people speaking to each other in Spanish.  Video below.

He's racist AND a liar.  From the Rawstory website:

Schlossberg’s  website advertises himself as “a member of the New York State Bar Association,” except, a phone call to the group revealed he is not.
“Mr. Schlossberg is not a member of the New York State Bar Association,” said managing director Dan Weiller

Before he even made it to court, the New York Post caught him leaving for work.  

True to racist form ala the bitch in Oakland,  racist lawyer bro cried for police protection.  From the NY Post:

Schlossberg, carrying a briefcase and wearing a black ski cap and a suit and tie, used his open umbrella to hide his face and appeared to shoot cellphone video of the gathered media outside his West 60th Street building.
“Please send help,” Schlossberg was then heard saying into his cellphone. “They’re claiming things that aren’t true … grabbing me, not letting me walk.”
“They won’t let me move. They’re surrounding me,” Schlossberg said on the call before hopping into a yellow cab on West 60th Street near Tenth Avenue.

In other reactions, some enterprising person took to yelp to change the description of Schlossberg's business to "Spanish restaurant". 

Speaking of yelp, his law firm is getting 1 star reviews on the crowdsourced review platform.  read the story here.

A few days later, some very inventive people have come up with ideas to put this racist bastard at ease:

It's not surprising that Schlossberg supports the P.O.S. currently ruining the country.  According to the"&gt">
 Center for Responsive Politics,
  Schlossberg donated $500 to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, who promised to crack down on immigration and build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Aw, it appears that Schlossberg has lost his office space due to his racist tantrum
But wait!!  It seems this lunatic has gone off the deep end before.  Watch this from October, 2016: 

Thursday, August 17, 2017


From my Facebook friend, Christy Schafer

Did I ever tell you about how, when I was living in DC, I had this boyfriend who had gone to school in Richmond and the Saturday after 9/11, wanted to drive down because that's where he felt safe? We drove down, and as we approached, I noticed the slow transition from thousands of US flags to thousands of Confed. flags. By the time we hit Richmond, my already horrified and traumatized self was about ready to crawl into the trunk. He drove me around town, and there were statues seemingly everywhere.
"You have to understand, this was the Confederate capitol."
This was my first time encountering Confederate statues, despite being brought up in part in North Miami, which is (ostensibly) The South.
I got Looks from people, and when he asked if I wanted to get out at a park and walk around, I looked up at the huge statue (Davis), and said, "No, not so much," and waited for him in the car.
I was a grown up woman at the time. Brownish.
So, when people tell me about how, as black kids, they had to walk by these monuments to "great men" every damn day and it made them feel threatened, less-than, expendable, I have *an inkling*, but only just. Trying to explain the statues around here (New Orleans) to my own kid was difficult, and I was always careful about explaining it to him quietly if we were in public. Having to explain them as a black parent? I have been told about it, but I still cannot imagine it except to take on a general feeling of outrage, sadness, and horror at the very idea.
People say they're just statues, or they're part of history, or whatever. But for the people *at whom they are aimed* they are a constant reminder that their rights, their lives, are expendable and that there are people who would love to go back to those "good old days".
Today we're hearing about "beautiful statues" from the White House. The White House. Make no mistake, I have zero illusions about US justice, or that equality has been reached, but also make no mistake - This message is being sent out loud and clear *again*: Your lives don't matter.
It's not just iron, marble, copper, or steel. Taking them down is not the erasure of history; it's an attempt at shutting up a collective bully who has been allowed to hang out on the street corner for decades shouting the worst epithets and goading people into the worst actions.

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...