Showing posts with label Shop New Orleans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shop New Orleans. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fun with Food and Drink

I was reading some of my favorite blogs on Friday evening when I came across this post from NOLA Defender blog . Free admission to several Museums in the city? Sounds like us! We looked thru the list and chose a little-known museum located on the Riverwalk: The Southern Food & Beverage Museum , just past the food court on Level C.

The museum is full of well thought out displays and the attention to detail keeps the visitor looking at everything to catch those details.

Leah Chase is featured in the main area of the museum.

There's a section devoted to methods of cooking food: stoves, barbecue pits......

and even a stove with a computer attached to it for multi-tasking cooks.

One of the first things that caught my eye was the Katrina Deli.

This caught my eye in the section devoted to rice: a poster from the upcoming International Rice Festival in Crowley, Louisiana .

I wonder how many people remember the little song about Mahatma and Water Maid rice?

I found the sugar section of the museum fascinating. I have passed hundreds of those huge trucks carrying sugarcane in the Raceland/Thibodaux area in the years that my daughter has attended Nicholls State, but I never realized how complex refining sugar could be.

This beautiful cake was created by Chef George Cook, pastry chef at the IP Casino in Biloxi, demonstrating food as art.

There's a section devoted to red beans and rice.

Red beans and rice as clothing?

The Absinthe gallery takes up quite a bit of space in the museum.

This bar is from Bruning's Restaurant, formerly of the West End.

Here are some other scenes from the museum:

I could do a whole post on the Cocktail section of the museum, there is so much in there.

There is a section where visitors can leave a message about their impression of the museum.

I found this note from a visitor who was tired of hearing "When the Saints Go Marching In" was amusing.

I highly recommend a visit to the Southern Food and Beverage Museum. Tickets are only $10 for adults ($8 for AAA members). To find out more about what exhibits are taking place at the Museum, check out this link.

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...