Charlotte - the founder of the NOLAFemmes blog (where I occasionaly write) - has penned an eloquent post about what the months of August and September mean to those of us in the New Orleans area. Here's an excerpt:
August and September are the months I dread the most. They’re the hottest and most humid months in a city that’s often hot and humid and they are the most likely months to host hurricanes, with September 10 being the peak of the season. Although we New Orleanians bitch and moan about the humidity and heat we are a stalwart clan so we slog through these wretched months the only way we know how: dancin’, drinkin’ and singin’. We go to Satchmo Fest early to get seats under the tents and under the oaks and settle in for an afternoon of lawn chair bump-and-grind while keeping a firm grasp on our Abita’s.

Please go here to read the entire work, it's beautiful .