Showing posts with label drumpf crazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drumpf crazy. Show all posts

Sunday, December 08, 2019

I Have No Words

The comments on Twitter are the only things saving me from screaming:

Tim Barley
The only reason, mr president, that we flush our toilets 10-15 times is to drown out the sound of your voice when you talk such inane bullshit #toilets #ToiletTrump
Mark Jacob
Some people say the #ToiletTrump quote about flushing 15 times shows Trump is addled. But doubting his stable genius is as crazy as thinking:
/ Windmills cause cancer.
/ We could nuke hurricanes.
/ We should build alligator moats on the border. 
/ Apple's CEO is Tim Apple. ...
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Shoeless Joe
"I'll be there in a second! I flushed 4 times but it may take me another 11-12 flushes!"

- Nobody Ever

#Toiletgate #ToiletTrump
Steve Redmond
There’s something very wrong with the President. He’s talking about toilets now because he keeps having recurring dreams about his Presidency being flushed down one.  #ToiletTrump
I'm really starting to believe the GOP as a whole are all just walking idiots with no self respect. This is the man you're protecting and lying for? You're actually proud to deal with his fuckery everyday, several times a day? At this point you're all jackasses. #ToiletTrump
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We are now officially "the President has declared a flushing emergency" days into the #ToiletTrump administration
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Mike Larsen for Congress
Let me go ahead and predict #JimJordan's statement on Trump's odd toilet rampage.

"Our President is concerned by the issues facing bathrooms in America. Those Dems are just trying to undo the will of millions of American toilets. It's Hillary's fault. Benghazi."


Thursday, October 24, 2019

drumpfster with bear spray

A man wearing a “Make American Great Again” cap was arrested on Saturday after allegedly spraying bear repellant into a crowd of people protesting against President Donald Trump at the Santa Monica Pier in California.

Bystanders brought the assailant to a police station, which was just steps away from the scene. KTLA identified him as 32-year-old David Nicholas Dempsey, who was booked on suspicion of illegal use of tear gas, assault with a caustic chemical and parole violations. The station said he was on parole from a weapons conviction.

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Monday Morning Smile

From Facebook User Tom Adelsbach
September 3 at 12:46 PM
BREAKING: the Donald Trump animatronic in Walt Disney World's Hall of Presidents attraction, was vandalized today - in front of a shocked audience.

Monday, June 11, 2018

MAGA in a nutshell

Found on Twitter

At a gas station, a guy comes up after seeing my "FUCK TRUMP" sign: Him: You know why we love Trump so much? Me: Him: Because he gets under the skin of liberal faggots like you. We don't care what he fucks up, as long as he pisses you off.." in a nutshell.


Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...