Showing posts with label facebook time-waster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook time-waster. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Facebook killed blogging

Or so it seems like. Actually, this morning I rediscovered some of my favorite blogs (non-NOLA) are still active after all these years.

But I was just going over my NOLA area blogs and many of them have either closed shop or aren't actively blogging anymore.

There are a few left that update regularly:

BayouCreole's posts always delight me

Glen over at Bigezbear has me thinking and/or laughing all the time

Cliff is still sitting on his porch

Jeffrey over at Library Chronicles blogs several times a day

NOLA defender updates daily

New Orleans News Ladder can be counted on to update every day

Pistolette is still active and continues to entertain me

Chris over at Prytania Waterline has resumed blogging

Mark Folse blogs about returning to school and his views on everything on a regular basis

Varg's still kicking

Speaking from personal experience, Facebook is one reason I have slowed down blogging here myself. It's too damned addictive! But I'm making an effort to find things to blog about whilst perusing Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others.

Monday Smile