Showing posts with label israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label israel. Show all posts

Friday, May 03, 2024

Tom on Those Pesky Student Protestors

It'll be interesting how these increasingly confrontational battles between witless students and the agitators that care nothing for the plight of the Palestinians who find themselves caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.  As these protests metastasize, it becomes increasingly clear that this is about the "Perfidious Jew".  They employ the dog whistles of 'Genocide', and 'Colonialism' that only ever seem to be applied to Israel, and nobody else.   I always thought that we were better than that...


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Tom on the Middle East

 The truth about the explosion of the Gazan hospital this past Tuesday was certainly the result of a missile that was launched by a militant group called the Islaic Jihad toward Israel.  The problem here is twofold.  The first problem is that these rockets employed in assaults are primitive devices; many constructed in underground factories by unskilled workmen or supplied by Iran and are of similar quality.  They have a failure rate of nearly 40%, which basically means that 40% of them fall from the sky before reaching their target.  In this case, the projectile failed shortly after takeoff and was fully fueled and when it crashed, it covered the courtyard of the hospital courtyard where many had sought refuge.  The conclusion is supported by extensive evidence including from satellites and signals intelligence.

A good number of Palestinians want nothing to do with Hamas or the other militant groups operating within the enclave.  Hamas wants to hide behind the civilian population of Gaza.  But Hamas has the guns.

The entire struggle between Israel and the Palestinians goes back to the birth of the State of Israel in 1948, and really has its roots in the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in the wake of WWI.  It's a fiendishly complex story with a cast of characters that represents the best and the worst of humanity.  I've been following this story for almost 60 years now and there's always something new.  Bibi Netenyahu is a toxic creature
who cares more about staying out of prison than doing anything useful for the Israeli people.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tom on Israel

   Today, we are all Jewish, for Judaism represents the light of civilization, while Hamas and its international apologists and enablers represent the forces of evil in its most fundamental form.  

The Israelis seem to be intent on taking their revenge on the nest of vipers that is Gaza, and who can blame them?  While everybody knows that the average Gazan is innocent of taking up arms against Israel and her citizens, most have been infected with the virus of hate that their masters in Hamas have inculcated in them.  They cheer when Israeli blood is shed, they dance when they take the life of a beloved bubbie or a child too young to speak. They demand warning before Israeli forces take action against them, yet slaughter residents of the  kibbutzim in their beds.  Should we shed crocodile tears when the bell tolls for them?  I think not.

Now Israel is imposing a siege on Gaza and the usual subjects shout slogans like: "Collective punishment", "Apartheid", and "proportionate response", yet they blame every Jew, be thay from America or France, or one of the many places where the Jews of the diaspora have found themselves, for the depredations of settler youth in the West Bank.  Is that not collective blame?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

the world is SICK

In an article from "The Daily Beast", the description of what young children from an orphanage witnessed just after some "rebel" shot down a passenger jet over the Ukrane. I won't post the whole article because it is to awful. I feel so much sorrow for those children. Here is what I will take from the article:

"Maybe when the Torez orphans are grown there will be a truly definitive picture of what happened. For now, even the tragedy that left many local people in shock and heartbroken has not brought on a lull in the fighting. Ukrainian warplanes and helicopters continue to fly over the area all the time, and often they bomb with little accuracy or discrimination."

Why is it that - at this time - children are being victimized in so many places? Why children? Grown men have caused the haoc around the world and CHILDREN are suffering.

In Israel

In Gaza

And the story that Americans should be embarasssed about The children fleeing Central America.

PLEASE don't disregard the links. PLEASE read them. We need to know and somehow try to stop this

And it's not isolated to these three incidents. Child abuse is running rampant in the US. I don't want to google child abuse around the world.

This is fucked up, y'all. Pray for the children.

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...