Showing posts with label animal abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal abuse. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Scuzzbucket of the Week

It takes a "special" person to abuse a helpless animal.

Today's special person is the "sweet" Sean D. Janas

A 20-year-old Wausau woman was in Marathon County Jail on Monday on charges that she slit the throat of her boyfriend’s dog after poisoning it with Drano and bleach.

Sean D. Janas appeared in Marathon County Circuit Court and was held in jail on a $2,500 cash bond. She is charged with felony mistreatment of animals, giving poison to an animal and obstructing an officer. She faces more than five years in prison and $30,000 in fines if convicted of all charges.

Marathon County Assistant District Attorney LaMont Jacobson said Janas kept a diary with “disturbing content” in relation to the abuse suffered by the dog, a 4-year-old German shepherd-Labrador mix named Mary.

“I need to find a way to kill her without it looking like I killed her,” Janus wrote. “I’ve done lots of things already. I’ve given her drano, bleach and a lot of pain pills lol one night she got all tweaked out because of it, it was so funny.”

In another entry:
“I have never hated an animal so much in my life, much less hate one or beat one. But the pleasure I get from watching her whimper in pain and cry out for help as I shove drano and bleach down her throat is like no other”

According to the criminal complaint, police believe Mary was killed June 4 after suffering months of abuse. A veterinarian told police the dog had been brought to a local clinic on April 11 for treatment after a resident found the animal wandering in the street, bleeding from her head. Mary’s owner reported the animal had been vomiting blood for about a week prior to its death.

Neighbors reported hearing Janas yelling at the dog and later observed her striking the dog in the back yard with a leash. They believe she also stabbed the dog.

Roommate and dog owner Steven Kuick was unaware of Janas’ efforts to kill his pet.

Update November 30, 2012
A court-date has been announced for the woman accused of poisoning and killing her ex-boyfriend's dog. 20-year-old Sean Janas will be in Marathon County Court on December 3rd for an arraignment hearing. She'll be asked to enter a plea to felony animal abuse charges.

If convicted she could get 5-years in prison and over $30,000 in fines. The judge and prosecutor have received hundreds of letters and emails from the community calling for the maximum punishment.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scuzzbuckets of the week

Too rich for his own good, GoDaddy's founder Bob Parsons is the lowest of low.

Parsons recently posted a video of his trip to Zimbabwe, where he shot an elephant.

I didn't watch the video at this link due to the description from the post as follows:

We all shoot vacation videos, but most of us choose to keep them to ourselves—or, at worst, share them with our Facebook friends. Bob Parsons—the CEO of the Internet hosting firm, which you will know from its lame Super Bowl ads and absolutely nothing else—likes bigger exposure. Parsons recently posted a video of his trip to Zimbabwe, where he shot an elephant. See below:

Now, there are so many things wrong with this video that it's hard to know where to start. First off: is it really appropriate to score a scene of hungry villagers in Zimbabwe tearing apart a dead elephant to the tunes of AC/DC's "Hells Bells"? And I can't be the only one who found it creepy that Parsons had outfitted nearly everyone in the area with bright orange GoDaddy baseball caps. Not to mention the fact that this is all taking place in Zimbabwe, a broken country oppressed by the tyrannical Robert Mugabe, where 64% of the population lives under the poverty line and nearly 100% live in fear. This is one step up from taking spring break in North Korea.

He thinks that because he has the bucks made by foolish people spending moneyh on his product that he has the right to destroy an animal in its own habitat?

Again, from the above link Parsons defended himself on his blog, arguing that his target was a "problem elephant" that had been destroying the crops of a nearby village:

I stand by my decision to help African villagers. I believe elephant management is beneficial. I have the support of the people who really matter in this situation, the families of Zimbabwe -- people who need help to survive. I have the support of tribal leaders and the government.

If you'd like to see how professional "bobby boy" is visit his grown up blog


Seriously Coked Out

  i have yet to see a picture of kash patel where he doesn't look coked out. Comment from Bluesky.