Showing posts with label creole tomato pie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creole tomato pie. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

It's almost time.......!

It's Mother's Day and I'm not doing anything resembling work.  So I decided to take a l-o-n-g overdue look at the thousands of pictures I've amassed in the past many years.  I decided to see what I was up to last year at this time and the nearest date was May 20th.

I came upon these and started salivating in stantly
The creoles are coming! The creoles are coming!!!

A basketful of creole goodness!

Every year I make a creole tomato pie to die for. I use Ritz crackers as the crust. The tiny hand belongs to my chef daughter and yes - that is a fork and knife tattoo on her wrist.

For those of you not from this area, creole tomatoes are an heirloom variety that grows in the Southeast Louisiana. The flavor comes from the silt that has landed in the back yards of people who live in the Greater New Orleans area, or anywhere where the Mississippi River runs. There is nothing better than picking these wonderful tomatoes and slicing them up for dinner.

I hope our rainy winter and spring hasn't hurt the crop this year. I will let you know!

Monday Smile