Showing posts with label drumpf's "new world". Show all posts
Showing posts with label drumpf's "new world". Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2019


Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”


Chick-fil-A won’t stop donating to anti-LGBTQ groups,
says it’s part of a “higher calling”


According to  “Firefighter Prophet” Mark Taylor, natural disasters, specifically hurricanes
and tornadoes, are weapons utilized by the left in order to combat the agenda
President Trump and religious conservatives.

Coincidence that Missouri was hit with Tornadoes right after they signed the abortion bill? That same line of storms had Tornado warning in DC yesterday right before Trump gave ok for declass. The enemy is trying to intimidate. It won't work, your a defeated enemy! Victory! ...-

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Sunday, January 15, 2017

"Playful Gesture", right....

THIS, folks, is life after drumpf's horrific presidential campaign.

‘I no longer have to be politically correct’: GOP politician arrested after grabbing a woman in her genital area

According to the Wesport Daily Voice, Greenwich Representative Town Meeting board member Christopher von Keyserling was charged with fourth-degree sexual assault and was released on $2,500 bond. He’s due to appear in court on January 25.

In December of 2016, Keyserling engaged in a “political argument” with a woman and allegedly declared, “I love this new world. I no longer have to be politically correct.” As the woman turned to walk away, Keyserling reportedly reach from behind and placed his hand between her legs and pinched on or near her genital area.

She told him that if he was “proud of that I can’t help you,” after which he called her a lazy, bloodsucking union employee, the warrant said.

She uttered “(expletive deleted) you” and walked into her office, the warrant said. She said he followed her into the office and said he wanted to talk with her co-worker, the warrant said.

When that co-worker walked in, she said she didn’t have time to speak with him and left the office, the warrant said. The 57-year-old woman decided to leave with her co-worker because she didn’t want to be alone with him, the warrant said.

According to the woman, he said, “It would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you.” She added that he had “an evil look in his eyes.”

Keyserling’s lawyer defended his actions as being a simple “jocular” moment with the woman.
“In almost 30 years of practicing law in this town, I would say Mr. von Keyserling is the one person I would never suspect of having any inappropriate sexual predilections,” lawyer Phil Russell said to the Greenwich Time. “There was a playful gesture, in front of witnesses. It was too trivial to be considered anything of significance. To call it a sexual assault is not based in reality.”

After reviewing a surveillance video of the incident, police determined that its contents were consistent with the woman’s claims.

Monday Smile

  Schrodinger's Dumpster