Showing posts with label Mitch McConnell is evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitch McConnell is evil. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2019

Mitch McConnell's "Throne"

 To get that label, a bill only requires a single vote from across the aisle, and a few of these bills only received one. But some received overwhelming Republican support in the House. This makes no difference to McConnell.

Of the 383 bills that have been passed by the House, 82% are still bottled up in the Senate. This list does not include House resolutions. If you click here, you can see bills and resolutions that have passed the House and the Senate and become law, bills that have passed the House and the Senate and are awaiting action by the White House, and bills that have passed the House and are awaiting action in the Senate.
Examples of Bipartisan House Bills Stalled in the Senate Include:
  • H.R.5, Equality Act
  • H.R.6, The American Dream and Promise Act
  • H.R.7, Paycheck Fairness Act
  • H.R.8, Bipartisan Background Checks Act
  • H.R.9, Climate Action Now Act
  • H.R.987, Protecting People With Pre-Existing Conditions/Lowering Drug Costs
  • H.R.582, Raise The Wage Act
  • H.R.397, Rehabilitation For Multiemployer Pensions Act (The Butch Lewis Act)
  • H.R.1585, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
  • H.R.1644, Save The Internet Act
  • H.R 2722, Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act
  • H.R.2513, The Corporate Transparency Act
  • H.R.1112, Enhanced Background Checks
  • H.R.1994, Secure Act/Gold Star Family Tax Relief Act
  • H.R.20511461941 – Banning Offshore Drilling on Atlantic, Pacific, Eastern Gulf & ANWR Coasts
  • H.R.1423, Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act
  • More than 30 bills to support veterans
Other Examples of Bills Stalled in the Senate that Democrats Support:
  • H.R.1, For The People Act
  • H.R.4617, Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy (SHIELD) Act
  • H.R.1500, Consumers First Act
The first 283 are “bipartisan.” The final 32 were supported by Democrats only.
  1. H.R. 648: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 (10 Republican Votes)
  2. H.R. 21: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 (7 Republican Votes)
  3. H.R. 2440: Full Utilization of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Act (79 Republican votes)
  4. H.R. 693: U.S. Senator Joseph D. Tydings Memorial Prevent All Soring Tactics Act of 2019 (100 Republican Votes)
  5. H.R. 1654: Federal Register Modernization Act (195 Republican Votes)
  6. H.R. 116: Investing in Main Street Act of 2019 (180 Republican votes)
  7. H.R. 2114: Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2019 (Republican cosponsor, voice vote)
  8. H.R. 987: Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act (5 Republican votes)
  9. H.R. 2083: Homeland Procurement Reform Act (Republican cosponsor, voice vote)
  10. H.R. 1759: BRIDGE for Workers Act (167 Republican Votes)
  11. H.R. 266: Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019 (10 Republican votes)
  12. H.R. 267: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019 (12 Republican votes)
  13. H.R. 265: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019 (10 Republican votes)
  14. H.R. 264: Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2019 (8 Republican Votes)
  15. H.R. 2528: STEM Opportunities Act of 2019 (4 Republican Cosponsors, voice voted)
  16. H.R. 4477: Reducing High Risk to Veterans and Veterans Services Act (Republican Cosponsor, voice voted)
  17. H.R. 539: Innovators to Entrepreneurs Act of 2019 (171 Republican votes)
  18. H.R. 583: Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act (5 Republican Cosponsors, voice voted)
  19. H.R. 728: Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2019 (21 Republican cosponsors, voice voted)
  20. H.R. 1781: Payment Commission Data Act of 2019 (6 Republican cosponsors, voice voted)
  21. H.R. 226: Clarity on Small Business Participation in Category Management Act of 2019 (183 Republican votes)
  22. H.R. 823: Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act (5 R Votes)
  23. H.R. 2578: National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2019 (R Cosponsor, voice vote)
  24. H.R. 3153: EFFORT Act (9 R Cosponsors, voice vote)
  25. H.R. 2486: FUTURE Act (8 R cosponsors, voice voted)
  26. H.R. 986: Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act of 2019 (4 R votes)
  27. H.R. 2781: Educating Medical Professionals and Optimizing Workforce Efficiency and Readiness for Health Act of 2019 (4 R cosponsors, voice voted)
  28. H.R. 647: Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (101 R Cosponsors, voice voted)
  29. H.R. 1837: United States-Israel Cooperation Enhancement and Regional Security Act (149 R cosponsors, voice voted)
  30. H.R. 1582: Electronic Message Preservation Act (R Cosponsor, voice voted)
  31. H.R. 1503: Orange Book Transparency Act of 2019 (191 R votes)
  32. H.R. 1520: Purple Book Continuity Act of 2019 (192 R votes)
  33. H.R. 550: Merchant Mariners of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2019 (101 R cosponsors, voice voted)
  34. H.R. 3624: Outsourcing Accountability Act of 2019 (2 R votes)
  35. H.R. 3352: Department of State Authorization Act of 2019 (R cosponsor, voice voted)
  36. H.R. 1912: DHS Acquisition Documentation Integrity Act of 2019 (R cosponsor, voice vote)
  37. H.R. 424: Department of Homeland Security Clearance Management and Administration Act (R cosponsor, voice vote)
  38. H.R. 3702: Reforming Disaster Recovery Act of 2019 (71 R votes)
  39. H.R. 397: Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act of 2019 (29 R votes)
  40. H.R. 3207: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 114 Mill Street in Hookstown, Pennsylvania, as the “Staff Sergeant Dylan Elchin Post Office Building”. (9 R cosponsors, voice vote)
  41. H.R. 3152: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 456 North Meridian Street in Indianapolis, Indiana, as the “Richard G. Lugar Post Office”. (7 R cosponsors, voice vote)
  42. H.R. 806: Portable Fuel Container Safety Act of 2019 (10 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  43. H.R. 3619: Appraisal Fee Transparency Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  44. H.R. 2035: Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act of 2019 (4 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  45. H.R. 3375: Stopping Bad Robocalls Act (195 R Votes)
  46. H.R. 1365: To make technical corrections to the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act. (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  47. H.R. 2359: Whole Veteran Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  48. H.R. 1404: Vladimir Putin Transparency Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  49. H.R. 1271: Vet HP Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  50. H.R. 246: Stimulating Innovation through Procurement Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  51. H.R. 227: Incentivizing Fairness in Subcontracting Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted )
  52. H.R. 3460: End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  53. H.R. 1446: Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp Reauthorization Act of 2019 (14 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  54. H.R. 2115: Public Disclosure of Drug Discounts and Real-Time Beneficiary Drug Cost Act (184 R Votes)
  55. H.R. 1618: Nicholas and Zachary Burt Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  56. H.R. 1420: Energy Efficient Government Technology Act (164 R Votes)
  57. H.R. 1768: Diesel Emissions Reduction Act of 2019 (76 R Votes)
  58. H.R. 526: Cambodia Democracy Act of 2019 (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  59. H.R. 2507: Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2019 (16 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  60. H.R. 1359: Digital GAP Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  61. H.R. 375: To amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to reaffirm the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. (101 R Votes)
  62. H.R. 2409: Expanding Access to Capital for Rural Job Creators Act (185 R Votes)
  63. H.R. 1328: ACCESS BROADBAND Act (11 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  64. H.R. 1585: Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 (33 R Votes)
  65. H.R. 762: Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  66. H.R. 501: Poison Center Network Enhancement Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  67. H.R. 502: FIND Trafficking Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  68. H.R. 1952: Intercountry Adoption Information Act of 2019 (182 R Votes)
  69. H.R. 1616: European Energy Security and Diversification Act of 2019 (167 R Votes)
  70. H.R. 525: Strengthening the Health Care Fraud Prevention Task Force Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  71. H.R. 4803: Citizenship for Children of Military Members and Civil Servants Act (6 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  72. H.R. 4018: To provide that the amount of time that an elderly offender must serve before being eligible for placement in home detention is to be reduced by the amount of good time credits earned by the prisoner, and for other purposes. (5 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  73. H.R. 4634: Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 (167 R Votes)
  74. H.R. 1773: Rosie the Riveter Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2019 (64 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  75. H.R. 3734: Successful Entrepreneurship for Reservists and Veterans Act (193 R Votes)
  76. H.R. 4842: Expositions Provide Opportunities Act of 2019 (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  77. H.R. 4695: Protect Against Conflict by Turkey Act (176 R Votes)
  78. H.R. 3942: Preventing Online Sales of E-Cigarettes to Children Act (16 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  79. H.R. 2426: Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2019 (185 R Votes)
  80. H.R. 95: Homeless Veteran Families Act (192 R Votes)
  81. H.R. 3190: Burma Unified through Rigorous Military Accountability Act of 2019 (170 R Votes)
  82. H.R. 3589: Greg LeMond Congressional Gold Medal Act (75 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  83. H.R. 1984: DISASTER Act (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  84. H.R. 3409: Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  85. H.R. 1665: Building Blocks of STEM Act (3 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  86. H.R. 34: Energy and Water Research Integration Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  87. H.R. 736: Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act (9 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  88. H.R. 2331: SBA Cyber Awareness Act (4 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  89. H.R. 2615: United States-Northern Triangle Enhanced Engagement Act (14 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  90. H.R. 1044: Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 (140 R Votes)
  91. H.R. 951: United States-Mexico Tourism Improvement Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  92. H.R. 1994: Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (187 R Votes)
  93. H.R. 2326: Navy SEAL Chief Petty Officer William “Bill” Mulder (Ret.) Transition Improvement Act of 2019 (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  94. H.R. 2116: Global Fragility Act (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  95. H.R. 2480: Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (19 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  96. H.R. 624: Promoting Transparent Standards for Corporate Insiders Act (189 R Votes)
  97. H.R. 31: Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2019  (21 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  98. H.R. 115: Protecting Diplomats from Surveillance Through Consumer Devices Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  99. H.R. 133: United States-Mexico Economic Partnership Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  100. H.R. 2181: Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Protection Act of 2019 (17 R Votes)
  101. H.R. 4344: Investor Protection and Capital Markets Fairness Act (93 R Votes)
  102. H.R. 4360: VA Overpayment Accountability Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  103. H.R. 4771: VA Tele-Hearing Modernization Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  104. H.R. 4356: Protecting Families of Fallen Servicemembers Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  105. H.R. 3526: Counter Terrorist Network Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  106. H.R. 3691: TRANSLATE Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  107. H.R. 2852: Homebuyer Assistance Act of 2019 (192 R Votes)
  108. H.R. 542: Supporting Research and Development for First Responders Act (179 R Votes)
  109. H.R. 1892: Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Technical Corrections Act of 2019 (186 R Votes)
  110. H.R. 1414: FinCEN Improvement Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  111. H.R. 995: Settlement Agreement Information Database Act of 2019 (195 R Votes)
  112. H.R. 1063: Presidential Library Donation Reform Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  113. H.R. 449: Pathways to Improving Homeland Security at the Local Level Act (183 R Votes)
  114. H.R. 1617: KREMLIN Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  115. H.R. 1381: Burn Pit Registry Enhancement Act (187 R Votes)
  116. H.R. 1309: Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act (32 R Votes)
  117. H.R. 1632: Southeast Asia Strategy Act (5 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  118. H.R. 835: Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act of 2019 (7 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  119. H.R. 7: Paycheck Fairness Act (7 R Votes)  
  120. H.R. 758: Cooperate with Law Enforcement Agencies and Watch Act of 2019 (186 R Votes)
  121. H.R. 1830: National Purple Heart Hall of Honor Commemorative Coin Act (88 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  122. H.R. 36: Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019 (7 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  123. H.R. 277: ASCEND Act of 2019 (7 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  124. H.R. 4162: GI Bill Planning Act of 2019 (187 R Votes)
  125. H.R. 3246: Traveling Parents Screening Consistency Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  126. H.R. 2229: First Responders Passport Act of 2019 (7 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  127. H.R. 748: Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2019 (189 R Votes)
  128. H.R. 1649: Small Business Development Center Cyber Training Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  129. H.R. 1876: Senior Security Act of 2019 (172 R Votes)
  130. H.R. 450: Preventing Crimes Against Veterans Act of 2019 (191 R Votes)
  131. H.R. 221: Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act (185 R Votes)
  132. H.R. 2385: To permit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a grant program to conduct cemetery research and produce educational materials for the Veterans Legacy Program. (192 R Votes)
  133. H.R. 425: Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act (4 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  134. H.R. 113: All-American Flag Act (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  135. H.R. 263: To rename the Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge as the Congressman Lester Wolff Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge. (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  136. H.R. 925: North American Wetlands Conservation Extension Act (12 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  137. H.R. 737: Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act of 2019 (89 R Votes)
  138. H.R. 4029: Tribal Access to Homeless Assistance Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  139. H.R. 4300: Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  140. H.R. 3661: Patriotic Employer Protection Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  141. H.R. 3224: Deborah Sampson Act (177 R Votes)
  142. H.R. 4334: Dignity in Aging Act of 2019 (14 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  143. H.R. 4067: Financial Inclusion in Banking Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  144. H.R. 2514: Coordinating Oversight, Upgrading and Innovating Technology, and Examiner Reform Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  145. H.R. 777: Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act of 2019 (178 R Votes)
  146. H.R. 598: Georgia Support Act (19 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  147. H.R. 4406: Small Business Development Centers Improvement Act of 2019 (157 R Votes)
  148. H.R. 4405: Women’s Business Centers Improvements Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  149. H.R. 4387: To establish Growth Accelerator Fund Competition within the Small Business Administration, and for other purposes. (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  150. H.R. 3329: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 5186 Benito Street in Montclair, California, as the “Paul Eaton Post Office Building”. (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  151. H.R. 1833: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 35 Tulip Avenue in Floral Park, New York, as the “Lieutenant Michael R. Davidson Post Office Building”. (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  152. H.R. 4270: Placing Restrictions on Teargas Exports and Crowd Control Technology to Hong Kong Act (7 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  153. H.R. 3722: Joint Task Force to Combat Opioid Trafficking Act of 2019 (184 R Votes)
  154. H.R. 1595: Secure And Fair Enforcement Banking Act of 2019 (91 R Votes)
  155. H.R. 2327: Burma Political Prisoners Assistance Act (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  156. H.R. 1423: Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act (2 R Votes)
  157. H.R. 2134: Helen Keller National Center Reauthorization Act of 2019 (5 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  158. H.R. 1941: Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act (12 R Votes)
  159. H.R. 3670: Short-Term Detention Standards Act (5 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  160. H.R. 549: Venezuela TPS Act of 2019 (39 R Votes)
  161. H.R. 434: Emancipation National Historic Trail Study Act (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  162. H.R. 2397: American Manufacturing Leadership Act (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  163. H.R. 3196: Vera C. Rubin Observatory Designation Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  164. H.R. 2037: Saudi Arabia Human Rights and Accountability Act of 2019 (178 R Votes)
  165. H.R. 2142: To amend the Small Business Act to require the Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman to create a centralized website for compliance guides, and for other purposes. (5 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  166. H.R. 677: 21st Century President Act (40 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  167. H.R. 1988: Protecting Affordable Mortgages for Veterans Act of 2019 (5 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  168. H.R. 2515: Whistleblower Protection Reform Act of 2019 (181 R Votes)
  169. H.R. 2109: BRAVE Act (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  170. H.R. 2476: Securing American Nonprofit Organizations Against Terrorism Act of 2019 (18 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  171. H.R. 1237: COAST Research Act of 2019 (7 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  172. H.R. 2333: Support for Suicide Prevention Coordinators Act (6 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  173. H.R. 2340: FIGHT Veteran Suicides Act (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  174. H.R. 753: Global Electoral Exchange Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  175. H.R. 1437: Securing Department of Homeland Security Firearms Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  176. H.R. 1594: First Responder Access to Innovative Technologies Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  177. H.R. 920: Venezuela Arms Restriction Act (5 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  178. H.R. 1477: Russian-Venezuelan Threat Mitigation Act (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  179. H.R. 1112: Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019 (3 R Votes)
  180. H.R. 8: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 (8 R Votes)
  181. H.R. 507: Put Trafficking Victims First Act of 2019 (189 R Votes)
  182. H.R. 66: Route 66 Centennial Commission Act (171 R Votes)
  183. H.R. 428: Homeland Security Assessment of Terrorists’ Use of Virtual Currencies Act (191 R Votes)
  184. H.R. 56: Financial Technology Protection Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  185. H.R. 676: NATO Support Act (149 R Votes)
  186. H.R. 328: Hack Your State Department Act (170 R Votes)
  187. H.R. 247: Federal CIO Authorization Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  188. H.R. 136: Federal Intern Protection Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  189. H.R. 135: Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act of 2019 (193 R Votes)
  190. H.R. 1615: Verification Alignment and Service-disabled Business Adjustment Act (19 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  191. H.R. 3504: Ryan Kules Specially Adaptive Housing Improvement Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  192. H.R. 1850: Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act of 2019 (34 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  193. H.R. 617: Department of Energy Veterans’ Health Initiative Act (25 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  194. H.R. 2140: Preventing Child Marriage in Displaced Populations Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  195. H.R. 2045: To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish in the Department the Veterans Economic Opportunity and Transition Administration, and for other purposes. (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  196. H.R. 1812: Vet Center Eligibility Expansion Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  197. H.R. 353: To direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the World Health Organization, and for other purposes. (4 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  198. H.R. 1847: Inspector General Protection Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  199. H.R. 2066: DHS Intelligence Rotational Assignment Program Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  200. H.R. 1589: CBRN Intelligence and Information Sharing Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  201. H.R. 1122: Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration Act of 2019 (168 R Votes)
  202. H.R. 974: Federal Reserve Supervision Testimony Clarification Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  203. H.R. 1064: To amend title 5, United States Code, to allow whistleblowers to disclose information to certain recipients. (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  204. H.R. 1065: Social Media Use in Clearance Investigations Act of 2019 (168 R Votes)
  205. H.R. 389: Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards Act  (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  206. H.R. 1306: Federal Disaster Assistance Coordination Act (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  207. H.R. 205: Protecting and Securing Florida’s Coastline Act of 2019 (22 R Votes)
  208. H.R. 759: Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas Equal and Fair Opportunity Settlement Act (12 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  209. H.R. 1307: Post-Disaster Assistance Online Accountability Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  210. H.R. 335: South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  211. H.R. 988: NEAR Act of 2019 (4 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  212. H.R. 1704: Championing American Business Through Diplomacy Act of 2019 (177 R Votes)
  213. H.R. 1199: VA Website Accessibility Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  214. H.R. 565: AMIGOS Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  215. H.R. 3537: Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act of 2019 (196 R Votes)
  216. H.R. 886: Veteran Treatment Court Coordination Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  217. H.R. 2513: Corporate Transparency Act of 2019 (25 R Votes)
  218. H.R. 1146: Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act (4 R Votes)
  219. H.R. 281: Ensuring Diverse Leadership Act of 2019 (3 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  220. H.R. 1331: Local Water Protection Act (117 R Votes)
  221. H.R. 1716: Coastal Communities Ocean Acidification Act of 2019 (6 R Votes)
  222. H.R. 1921: Ocean Acidification Innovation Act of 2019 (168 R Votes)
  223. H.R. 615: Refugee Sanitation Facility Safety Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  224. H.R. 5: Equality Act (8 R Votes)
  225. H.R. 312: Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act (47 R Votes)
  226. H.R. 2502: Transparency in Federal Buildings Projects Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  227. H.R. 596: Crimea Annexation Non-recognition Act (195 R Votes)
  228. H.R. 1472: To rename the Homestead National Monument of America near Beatrice, Nebraska, as the Homestead National Historical Park. (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  229. H.R. 499: Service-Disabled Veterans Small Business Continuation Act (194 R Votes)
  230. H.R. 1424: Fallen Warrior Battlefield Cross Memorial Act (22 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  231. H.R. 1775: Notice to Airmen Improvement Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  232. H.R. 4407: SCORE for Small Business Act of 2019 (171 R Votes)
  233. H.R. 3694: Helping Families Fly Act of 2019 (8 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  234. H.R. 2613: Advancing Innovation to Assist Law Enforcement Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  235. H.R. 97: Rescuing Animals With Rewards Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  236. H.R. 2744: USAID Branding Modernization Act (186 R Votes)
  237. H.R. 3050: Expanding Investment in Small Businesses Act of 2019 (189 R Votes)
  238. H.R. 2002: Taiwan Assurance Act of 2019 (20 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  239. H.R. 1235: MSPB Temporary Term Extension Act (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  240. H.R. 769: Counterterrorism Advisory Board Act of 2019 (186 R Votes)
  241. H.R. 192: Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  242. H.R. 2162: Housing Financial Literacy Act of 2019 (1 R cosponsor, Voice Voted)
  243. H.R. 752: Open Book on Equal Access to Justice Act (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  244. H.R. 202: Inspector General Access Act of 2019 (2 R cosponsors, Voice Voted)
  245. H.R. 1760: Advanced Nuclear Fuel Availability Act (R sponsor, voice voted)
  246. H.R. 347: Responsible Disposal Reauthorization Act of 2019 (R sponsor, voice voted)
  247. H.R. 3494: Damon Paul Nelson and Matthew Young Pollard Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, and 2020 (171 R votes)
  248. H.R. 2539: Strengthening Local Transportation Security Capabilities Act of 2019 (167 R votes)
  249. H.R. 1037: Banking Transparency for Sanctioned Persons Act of 2019 (1 R sponsor, voice voted)
  250. H.R. 1388: Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2019 (173 R votes)
  251. H.R. 498: Clean Up the Code Act of 2019 (R sponsor)
  252. H.R. 9: Climate Action Now Act (3 R votes)
  253. H.R. 1644: Save the Internet Act of 2019 (1 R vote)
  254. H.R. 1060: BUILD Act (1 R sponsor, voice voted)
  255. H.R. 91: Columbia River In-Lieu and Treaty Fishing Access Sites Improvement Act (171 R votes)
  256. H.R. 582: Raise the Wage Act (3 R votes)
  257. H.R. 1088: FIRST Act (R sponsor, voice vote)
  258. H.R. 255: Big Bear Land Exchange Act (R sponsor voice vote)
  259. H.R. 1663: Foundation of the Federal Bar Association Charter Amendments Act of 2019 (R sponsor, voice vote)
  260. H.R. 3996: VA Design-Build Construction Enhancement Act of 2019 (R sponsor, voice vote)
  261. H.R. 1496: Presidential Allowance Modernization Act of 2019 (R sponsor, voice vote)
  262. H.R. 2589: Unifying DHS Intelligence Enterprise Act (R sponsor, voice vote)
  263. H.R. 241: Bank Service Company Examination Coordination Act of 2019 (R sponsor)
  264. H.R. 2609: DHS Acquisition Review Board Act of 2019 (191 R votes)
  265. H.R. 2590: DHS Overseas Personnel Enhancement Act of 2019 (179 R votes)
  266. H.R. 1947: To amend title 38, United States Code, to exempt transfers of funds from Federal agencies to the Department of Veterans Affairs for nonprofit corporations established under subchapter IV of chapter 73 of such title from certain provisions of t (R sponsor, voice vote)
  267. H.R. 1313: Transit Security Grant Program Flexibility Act (R sponsor, voice vote)
  268. H.R. 317: Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Land Affirmation Act of 2019 (R sponsor, voice vote)
  269. H.R. 297: Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restoration Act of 2019 (173 R votes)
  270. H.R. 190: Expanding Contracting Opportunities for Small Businesses Act of 2019 (188 R votes)
  271. H.R. 4863: United States Export Finance Agency Act of 2019 (13 R votes)
  272. H.R. 1373: Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act (9 R votes)
  273. H.R. 3525: U.S. Border Patrol Medical Screening Standards Act (2 R votes)
  274. H.R. 3239: Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act (1 R vote)
  275. H.R. 2722: SAFE Act (1 R vote)
  276. H.R. 6: American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (7 R votes)
  277. H.R. 840: Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act (178 R votes)
  278. H.R. 790: Federal Civilian Workforce Pay Raise Fairness Act of 2019 (29 R votes)
  279. H.R. 4860: Crowdfunding Amendments Act (R sponsor, voice vote)
  280. H.R. 5084: Improving Corporate Governance Through Diversity Act of 2019 (55 R votes)
  281. H.R. 1593: CLASS Act of 2019 (168 R votes)
  282. H.R. 3675: Trusted Traveler Reconsideration and Restoration Act of 2019 (R sponsor, voice vote)
  283. H.R. 2345: Clarifying the Small Business Runway Extension Act (R sponsor, voice vote)
Passed with Democratic votes only:
  1. H.R. 1608: Federal Advisory Committee Act Amendments of 2019 
  2. H.R. 3351: Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2020 
  3. H.R. 2211: STURDY Act 
  4. H.R. 182: To extend the authorization for the Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission.
  5. H.R. 4625: Protect the GI Bill Act 
  6. H.R. 1623: Help America Run Act 
  7. H.R. 1815: SEC Disclosure Effectiveness Testing Act 
  8. H.R. 3625: PCAOB Whistleblower Protection Act of 2019
  9. H.R. 2290: Shutdown Guidance for Financial Institutions Act 
  10. H.R. 3299: Promoting Respect for Individuals’ Dignity and Equality Act of 2019
  11. H.R. 2943: Providing Benefits Information in Spanish and Tagalog for Veterans and Families Act
  12. H.R. 2919: Improving Investment Research for Small and Emerging Issuers Act 
  13. H.R. 2372: Veterans’ Care Quality Transparency Act 
  14. H.R. 495: FIRST State and Local Law Enforcement Act
  15. H.R. 206: Encouraging Small Business Innovation Act 
  16. H.R. 128: Small Business Advocacy Improvements Act of 2019
  17. H.R. 1487: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Boundary Adjustment Study Act 
  18. H.R. 876: Pacific Northwest Earthquake Preparedness Act of 2019 (Voice vote no R cosponsor)
  19. H.R. 4617: SHIELD Act 
  20. H.R. 3710: Cybersecurity Vulnerability Remediation Act 
  21. H.R. 3106: Domestic and International Terrorism DATA Act 
  22. H.R. 2203: Homeland Security Improvement Act 
  23. H.R. 1690: Carbon Monoxide Alarms Leading Every Resident To Safety Act of 2019 
  24. H.R. 3620: Strategy and Investment in Rural Housing Preservation Act of 2019 
  25. H.R. 2942: HEALTH Act
  26. H.R. 1261: National Landslide Preparedness Act 
  27. H.R. 1433: Department of Homeland Security Morale, Recognition, Learning and Engagement Act of 2019 
  28. H.R. 854: Humanitarian Assistance to the Venezuelan People Act of 2019
  29. H.R. 1: For the People Act of 2019 
  30. H.R. 494: Tiffany Joslyn Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Reauthorization and Bullying Prevention and Intervention Act of 2019 
  31. H.R. 543: To require the Federal Railroad Administration to provide appropriate congressional notice of comprehensive safety assessments conducted with respect to intercity or commuter rail passenger transportation. 
  32. H.R. 1500: Consumers First Act 

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...