Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2019

Obama on Cummings

 on Cummings “He would remind all of us that our time is too short not to fight for what is good...and what is best in America. It falls upon each of us to give voice to the voiceless and comfort to the sick...and to preserve and nurture our democracy”

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Julie Newmar

From Julie Newmar's Facebook page.

We know what Mr Obama looks like. This picture shows,
in the face of the child, what he feels like to most of us.
We were secure, trusted, valued by him. We saw him use
his titanic intelligence for our common good. I'll miss him.
I loved the way he bounded up the stairs . . . or down.
He went to the gym every morning.
I loved his simplicity of dress, manner and style. He stayed up nights, deliberating the details of our complicated democracy.
I loved his language . . . clear, without guile, neither biggety nor vainglorious. He was always - on point, authentic.
Like Truman, he came to the White House with consummate Kansan middle class virtues plus an accident of destiny via the dreams of his Kenyan father.
We did markedly well under his leadership.
America was admired anew.
I want to look at the future, but I'm sad.
I feel as if I have lost a beloved parent.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Scuzzbucket from the South

Racist Redneck Danny Hafley, center.

My latest scumbag hails from the bluegrass state of Kentucky .

His name is Danny Hafley. Here is his part of the story:

From Hufpo:
Danny Hafley of Casey County, Ky. said this week that people are reading the mannequin in his front yard depicting President Barack Obama eating a watermelon completely wrong

"The way I look at it, it's freedom of speech," Hafley said in a recent interview, going on to state that he had included the watermelon not in attempt to play to any racist stereotypes, but because the statue "might get hungry standing out here."

Now that a black president has been elected and RE-elected - with OVER 50% of the vote - the rednecks and scary ultra conservatives are coming out using their freedom of speech in a 1960's racist manner. And that's okay, this is America.

I am SO very sick of things like this happening in our country. The United States was built to believe that everyone is welcome. No race/creed/color matters

In fact, have you noticed how beautiful

multi-racial children are?

To all of you bigotted (is that spelled right?) rednecks: continue to show how ignorant, shallow and uneducated you are. You're not getting it. Stop thinking about your views and start thinking about rebuilding ALL of America to welcome and create a diverse culture. You just might learn from it.

Let's hope this story of America in 2012 is a turning point in our silly, childish racist views.

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...