Thursday, May 29, 2008

Because They Have No Words

“We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words." – from the novel Black Beauty by Anna Sewell.

I don't know if I've been living in a cave or something, but this is the first I've heard about a play about rescuing animals post Katrina. “Because They Have No Words” had its world premiere on September 2, 2006 at The Lounge Theatre in Los Angeles.

The play is now
in Chicago.
It focuses on the efforts of animal rescuers and is based on co-writer Tim Maddock's personal experience rescuing animals in the aftermath of Katrina. Maddock also stars in the production.

In September of 2005, Tim loaded his car with food, water, clothing and rescue gear, said goodbye to his partner and his dog, and drove straight into the heart of one of the greatest natural disasters in our country's history. During his time in New Orleans, Tim witnessed great human tragedy and stupendous bureaucratic blunders. From the stranded animals somehow able to weather the storm, to the frantic, grief-stricken families searching for the pets they were forced to abandon, the flood of emotion was a constant reminder of the failures of a city, a state, and a nation to respond when their citizens needed them most.

Here's a link to an article about his experiences.

Thanks and God Bless you, Tim

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