Harrah's New Orleans Hotel
I can identify all but one of the flags flying, which depict the city of New Orleans and Louisiana's history. I JUST CAN'T figure out the 2nd from the left flag, which resembles an Australian flag. Can anyone help?
Here's what I came up with:
Top Row: United States Flag, Louisiana State Flag, Municipal Flag of the City of New Orleans, Flag of the French Republic
Bottom Row: Spanish Royal Flag, _________, Canadian Flag, British Union Jack
that IS the flag o' Australia, mate!
Do you know how Australia ties historically with New Orleans/Louisiana?
Yep, definitely Australia. I wonder if the flags don't have something to do with the ships in port—you know, like "this ship sails under the Australian flag," "that one under the Canadian."
Speaking of Canada, when was Louisiana under Canadian rule?
Looking thru some history of New Orleans article, I got the feeling that the Canadian flag represents the Cajuns who travelled to live down here.
Then why not an Italian flag, a German flag, Greek, or Norwegian?
Okay, I actually broke down and phoned Harrah's. The lady I spoke to is actually going to research the meaning of these flags and call me back. I'm so ashamed that I'm putting her through all this trouble. She even tried to explain a little bit of the history of New Orleans by explaining how Canal Street divides the French settlement from the United States' side. Oh, well, maybe they're not too busy this morning.
Well, she just called me back. It turns out we're all wrong. Those flags represent North American countries. Now, I know what you're going to say; but I'm just the messenger. However, if you think about it, isn't that a perfect Louisiana answer? Little Piyush would be proud!
LOL!! Thanks, Glenn. I emailed Harrah's yesterday but they haven't answered. I don't expect to hear from them. But I'll keep plugging on that Australian flag!.
I've got the Historical New Orleans Collection working on it.......
AND their answer is: Ms. Thorne,
We don’t have any information on why Harrah’s flies the Australian flag. The Canadian flag is most probably, as you pointed out, an homage to the French territorial connection Louisiana and Canada share. There is no direct connection with Australia other than New Orleans being a port city. You might consider checking with Harrah’s and see if they have a curator who would be able to explain their reasoning behind flying the Australian colors. Happy hunting!
This is insane. No one has an answer. Here is my answer from Harrah's
I am writing in response to inquiry you made regarding the flags located outside Harrah’s Hotel. The American, Canadian, and Louisiana Flags are stationary. The other ones are rotated randomly. I hope this has answered your question, and if there is anything else you need please do not hesitate to ask. Have a great weekend.
Are we gonna just roll over or are we gonna track this story down to its muddy end?
Okay, I have an idea. Since you live down there, can you go by the hotel every week to see if the flags ARE actually randomized? ;)
...Well???? What happened? Did they randomize? I feel like someone tore the last page out of my book!!
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