Showing posts with label racism in America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism in America. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What year is this???

Kentucky, I'm saddened by you. I just did a post about your remarkable choir singing the National Anthem every night.

But - like most states - there are areas where the not-so-intelligent and racists live. Such is the case of Julius Hatfield, Fire Chief
of Bullit County.

Here's the film

And from, here is the transcript for the video:
Kentucky fire chief is being criticized for racist comments after he refused to help a family of stranded motorists because they were black, and then suggested that an Asian-American television reporter did not understand English.

In a Bullitt County Sheriff’s deputy’s body camera recording obtained by WDRB, Southeast Bullitt County Fire Chief Julius Hatfield can be heard discussing a car accident on I-65 in September.

Hatfield first goes out of his way to provide assistance to Loren Dicken, who is white.

“You got a jack, ain’t you?” Hatfield asks the driver. “If you show me where them things is at, I’ll get my guys to start changing the tire for you.”

At first, Dicken turns down the offer, but Hatfield insists, saying, “It will save you a bill.”

Firefighters working for Hatfield even picked Dicken up from the hospital and took him back to the firehouse, where his car was ready and waiting.

But Hatfield treats the family of four black motorists completely differently.

“Well, I’ve got a family of four from Cincinnati, I got to do something with,” the Bullitt County deputy tells Hatfield over the radio.

“We ain’t taking no n*ggers here,” Hatfield replies, laughing.

Instead of offering to help driver Chege Mwangi, the deputy recommends that he call the AAA motor club.

Mwangi told WDRB that he noticed that the firefighters had provided assistance to other motorists, but his family wasn’t injured so he didn’t think much of it. However, he said that the sheriff’s department was helpful.

And when WDRB’s Valerie Chinn attempted to ask Hatfield about the financial management of Southeast Bullitt Fire Department at a town meeting, he suggested that she didn’t understand English, and threatened to have her arrested.

“Do you understand English darling?” he says in video recorded at the public meeting by WDRB cameras. “Do you understand English?”

“Turn that camera off,” Hatfield barks. “I’ve asked you that in a nice way. Buddy, call the cops and get them here.”

“I asked you once tonight if you understand English,” the fire chief adds after Chinn presses the issue. “I’m speaking English.”

Hatfield later told Chinn over the phone that he did not recall the remarks he made while responding to the accident on I-65 in September, but he was sure that it was a slip of the tongue. Chinn said that he also apologized for the way that he treated her at the town meeting.

Watch the video below from WDRB, broadcast Nov. 19, 2014.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Scuzzbuckets of the Week

Apparently these three racists have no idea how tasteless their idea for a Halloween costume was.

From left to right William Filene, Caitlin Cimeno (mother of 2) and Greg Cimeno.

I just don't understand this depth of hate.

Apparently Filene is a convicted felon and Caitlin was fired from her job. You can find out more at this website.

Another example of Caitlin's racism is this picture. Check out her comments

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No, Say It Ain't So!!!

Chris Matthews is right on with his analysis, and you can bet he'll get major pushback from the very racists he's calling out...

Monday, August 26, 2013

Scuzzbuckets of the Week

The unnamed manager of Wild Wings Café in Charleston, South Carolina and the racist customer who caused a situation are the scuzzbuckets of the week.

Taken from Mediaite dot com:

After waiting over two hours, customer Michael Brown and his family, who were at the restaurant for a going-away party, were told that there was “a situation.”

“[The manager] said there’s a situation where one of our customers feels threatened by your party, so she asked us not to seat you in our section, which totally alarmed all of us because we’re sitting there peaceably for two hours,” Brown said.

When a member of the party began filming the exchange, the manager asked them to leave.

“I asked her I want to be clear with you,” Brown said. “I said, ‘So you’re telling me I have to leave.’ She said, ‘I have a right to deny you service.’ I said, ‘So you’re asking me to leave because you’re upset because he was recording you, after we’ve waited for two hours, and after you’ve already pretty much discriminated on us,’ and she answered, ‘Yes.’”

To follow the ongoing crawfishing by Wild Wings' corporate asses, here is the link to the Facebook page

Friday, June 07, 2013

Scuzzbucket of the Week

The not-so-honorable Judge Edith Jones

Judge Jones of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals addressed the University of Pennsylvania law school on February 20. Her comments were not recorded, but five students and one attorney who were in attendance signed affidavits swearing to what they heard.

The complaint alleges that Jones said certain ‘racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime,’ and that they are ‘prone to commit acts of violence’ and be involved in more violent and ‘heinous’ crimes than people of other ethnicities.

The judge also allegedly said Mexicans would prefer to be on death row in the U.S. than serve prison terms in their native country, and that it's an insult for the U.S. to look to the laws of other countries such as Mexico.

Nothing like freaking JUDGES who reflect the problem in the U.S. with racism. Not a good role model, eh?

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...