Showing posts with label beautiful thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beautiful thoughts. Show all posts

Saturday, August 18, 2018


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Most thoughts are disposable.

Yep. If we listen, actually listen,, to the chatter in our heads, we will see that the vast majority of what passes for thoughts are disposable. They are just fleeting words and images which are without profound meaning or importance. 

Many thoughts are “housekeeping” thoughts e.g. what are we going to have for dinner or errands that need running. Some are “daydreams” about a crush or sex although sexual thoughts are far less common than is generally believed.

Still, others are “emotional artifacts”. These are old recurring thoughts. These thoughts are “packets” of thoughts which are associated with the same emotions. We dredge them up almost at random to feel a certain way even though very often these feelings are unpleasant.

Our psyches want to “feel” no matter what. We choose to feel bad feelings just as often, or even more often than pleasant reminiscences.

Why? Nobody knows.

from Facebook page Freedom of Conscience

Buddy Guy at 88

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