One was Professor Pamela S. Karlan, a professor of law at Stanford Law School. A leading legal scholar on voting rights and political process. Here's a mash-up of her time at the microphone.
The last statement she made while trying to illustrate a point has caused #fakeoutrage among GOPers and drumpfettes.
Here is the statement:
“The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility. So while the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron.”
The following is from this link:
Which is… true?
But that didn’t stop the snowflake brigade from seizing on the outrage of Barron even being mentioned in the testimony in what was ultimately a successful attempt to hijack the news cycle.
Melania Trump, as Queen Jadis now calls herself, was rousted from her terrifying winter wonderland to lend her name to a denouncement:
"A minor child deserves privacy and should be kept out of politics. Pamela Karlan, you should be ashamed of your very angry and obviously biased public pandering, and using a child to do it."
And they call liberals snowflakes? Folks, on that night there was a blizzard across drumpfland.
Karlan apologized for a the comment, giving the drumpf zombies a lesson in humility.
And if anyone needs a lesson in humility and manners, it's Matt "GOP Golden Boy" Gaetz.