Showing posts with label Faux News Network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faux News Network. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Scuzzbucket of the Week

He has been a scuzzbucket for a long, long time.

He's such a loser that he was FIRED from Faux News

He's racist
"This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist." –on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show, July 28, 2009

He's cold hearted

"I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today." –on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, "The Glenn Beck Program," Oct. 22, 2007

"The only [Katrina victims] we're seeing on television are the scumbags." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005

And just plain stupid

During his February 8, 2006 show, Beck repeatedly referred to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter as "a waste of skin", adding that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il was not a bigger waste of skin because "[a]t least evil is using that skin."

For some more Beck quotes go here

What made me think he's a scuzzbucket THIS week is a headline I just read:

From this webiste here is his latest wacko-ism:

Tea Party conservative Glenn Beck decided to give parents a lesson on how to convince their children that rights come from God. Apparently, in Beck’s mind, parents need to physically bully their kids into believing: “challenge them, get in their face … teach them a lesson — push ‘em!” And if you don’t, Beck warns, they’ll “run around like little girls crying.”

“Well, they’re going to cry,” Beck mocks his viewers, “‘I’ll hurt their feelings.’ PUSH ‘EM!,” Beck screams. “Because if you don’t do it now, it’s going to be much worse when they’re pushed and they’re shoved and they’re shot. Push them! Teach them! They need to know the truth, and they need to be pushed up against the wall once in a while, so they know they can defend themselves, they know they can survive, they don’t run around like little girls crying at the drop of a hat! PUSH ‘EM!”


"Satan's mentally challenged younger brother." –Stephen King, writing in "Entertainment Weekly

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Deliberate Mistakes or Ineptitude?

I am continually amazed at the lack of compassion - or is it outright stupidity - of the "news networks" on television lately. I don't watch TV that much, except for the Saints games and the Olympics. But I get emails that cover things that I missed from eschewing television. (is that good grammar?). Here's what went down lately:

CNN mistakenly aired a map of India's Punjab province today after mentioning that South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley had been confirmed to speak at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.

Governor Haley's parents are both from Punjab and raised Haley as a Sikh.

"It was a mistake," a CNN spokesperson told POLITICO.

CNN played an excerpt from Billy Joel's "Only the Good Die Young" after a segment Monday on the shooting at the Sikh temple in Wisconson, prompting a familiar apology from the network.

Last week CNN played Pink's "Stupid Girls" ahead of a segment about Sarah Palin.

"We aired a song from a guest’s playlist on the morning show following a three-minute commercial break and before a segment on presidential politics, unrelated to the Wisconsin shooting," the network said in a statement today. "Given the news of the day, this was regrettable and we apologize to our viewers.”

And here is what the FAUX News Network - Lord please get rid of these assclowns - Fox News host Gregg Jarrett asked a nephew of one of the victims, "Have there been any prior acts of violence against members of the temple? Any anti-Semitic acts?"

Anti-Semitism is discrimination directed toward Jewish people, not Sikhs. Representatives of Fox News did not respond to a request for comment regarding the error.

Seriously Coked Out

  i have yet to see a picture of kash patel where he doesn't look coked out. Comment from Bluesky. And here are those eyes in action ...