Showing posts with label Bernie Moreno. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernie Moreno. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Tom on the Spring Primary Season and More


If this is spring, it must be the primary season. This week's crop includes the race to fill out the remainder of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy's term in California.  The primary includes 9 candidates and the frontrunners are Tulare County Sheriff Mike Robidoux and State Assemblyman Vince Fong, both Republicans.  The final election will take place in May. Bakersfield is part of Kern County which, in turn, is part of the Central Valley, and tends to vote conservative. 

But the race that seems to be getting everyone's attention is the race to compete for the chance to take on incumbent Sen. Sherrod Brown in Ohio.   The candidates are Bernie Moreno, a Cleveland area car dealer, Matt Dolan, whose family owns the Cleveland Guardians, (the MLB baseball team formerly known as the Cleveland Indians), and current Ohio Sec. of State Frank LaRose who bollixed last year's referendums on abortion, not once, but twice.  Moreno has a bit of a "Gay" problem of sorts. Back in 2008, an account was created on a Gay dating website named "Adult Friend Finder'', and a personal ad seeking " for 1 on 1 sex..." and "Young guys to have fun with while travelling...". The email address was one used by Moreno, and the physical address was a Florida residence owned by his parents.  This little tidbit only became public Thursday evening.   While I wouldn't normally comment on a candidate's sexual orientation, the fact that Mr.Moreno is rabidly anti-gay makes him fair game.  Moreno is carrying Donald Trump's endorsement into Tuesday's primary.  I 'm guessing Dolan wins in a close one, only because voters generally have no use for hypocrites.

While on the subject of Mr. Trump, it appears that his considerable legal expenses may be affecting his ability to raise money for the general election campaign.  Mr. Biden has somewhere in the vicinity of 155 million dollars cash on hand, while Mr. Trump has but 40 million dollars, (that's not including the 10 million dollars that came in during the 24 hours following the State of the Union Address).  The Democratic National Committee is hiring staffers and building out their ground game in the battleground states, while the Republican National Committee is rent with infighting, such as we see in Tuesday's GOP contest.  I mentioned the 'October Surprise" that hit Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno above, (NB: An 'October Surprise' is an end of campaign occurrence that unexpectedly appears and is damaging to an opponent's candidacy, such as the disturbing  allegations that I noted earlier).  It doesn't help Mr. Moreno that both Gov. Mike DeWine and former GOP Senator Rob Portman, a moderate Republican, have endorsed Mr. Dolan. 

One of the issues that some GOP big donors face is whether the monies that they are being asked to contribute to the Trump cause will be used to mount a spirited campaign against Mr. Biden, or will be pissed away on his stupendous legal expenses which, over the past 2 years, have totalled 76 million dollars.  These large donors didn't get where they are by being stupid, (although My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell might be the exception that proves the rule), and backing Trump's campaign is one thing, while paying his legal bills are quite another. 

Ah well, it could be worse.  I mean he's broke, he's under indictment all over the map, and it appears that his head is going to explode at any moment.  He could be that guy who was bitten by a Gila Monster the other day.  The Gila Monster was the pet of a 34 year old Lakewood, (Colorado), man and apparently the beast bit him on the hand, (for 4 minutes, no less).  It took the guy a couple of hours to seek medical attention and he was just barely responsive when paramedics arrived.  Despite the best efforts of the medical folks charged with treating him, he  passed away from what I believe to be renal failure.  The Gila Monster was brought to a facility that focuses on lizards at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley Colorado.  The Gila Monster is a sluggish creature, although it is venomous.  A veterinarian back in 1899 stated that anyone who was stupid enough to be bitten by the slow moving reptile probably deserved to die:)

The very same day, I read the story of Albert the Alligator, a 14 foot, 750 pound blind 34 year old creature who was seized by authorities from his 64 year old owner the other day.  The creature lives in a swimming pool on the property of his owner in Hamburg, New York, which is just south of Buffalo.  Why anyone would want to have such creatures as pets is beyond me.  Normal people who find themselves hankering for the company of a pet usually get themselves a dog or a cat; possibly a songbird or a Guinea Pig.  But alligators and Gila monsters? No thank you...

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...