Showing posts with label David Clarke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Clarke. Show all posts

Friday, July 08, 2016

Tweets from Twats

Shortly after the killing of 5 police officers in Dallas, Texas
Twitter was filled with tweets, certain individuals showed their true colors; mostly in their anger/hatred to our President and Black Lives Matter. Below are a few I found pretty ignorant:

Full-time provocateur and part-time Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, a frequent Faux News guest:

David A. Clarke, Jr. ✔ @SheriffClarke
American needs Obama to get out of bed & address Dallas situation NOW.
He poured gas on this situation with his dog whistle message earlier.
11:39 PM - 7 Jul 2016

Wayne Allyn Root, a right-wing pundit and onetime Trump rally emcee:

Wayne Allyn Root @WayneRoot
What is President Obama responsibility in this? His irresponsible rhetoric & propaganda have divided this nation.
1:14 AM - 8 Jul 2016

Pam Geller, whacko extrodinaire

Obama’s racist campaign of division and discord exploded tonight in Dallas, Texas just hours after he made a hate speech inciting to violence.

Matthew Vadum at FrontPage Mag:

Is the race war Barack Obama wanted breaking out in Dallas and across America?

@andieiamwhoiam (don't know who she is, don't care)
I have a sinking feeling that Barack is smiling his smug little smile, knowing what happened in Dallas tonight.
11:02 PM - 7 Jul 2016

Dr. Frank Corleone, some guy who thinks he's Al Pacino:

Dallas Authorities release sketch of a man who helped facilitate the slaughter of Dallas Police Officers!
11:07 PM - 7 Jul 2016

Former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh declared "war" on Obama and Black Lives Matter protesters in a now-deleted tweet during the Dallas chaos...

After many people reported it to the U.S. Secret Service, he deleted the tweet, but that didn't stop him from continuing his despicable rant.

More "intelligent tweets" from this goofball:

Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom
BLM should be categorized as a hate group.
10:49 PM - 7 Jul 2016

Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom
4 dead.

Obama stoked the flame.

BLM did this.

Cops are dying.
10:51 PM - 7 Jul 2016

Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom
4 Dallas Cops assassinated tonight.

Blacks lives matter cheers.

LGBT blames Christians.

Obama defends Islam.
11:04 PM - 7 Jul 2016

This one is especially despicable, because again -- there is absolutely no evidence now, or at the time he tweeted this, that the suspects are black.

Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom

Obama says Cops are racist so 2 uneducated black thugs shoot 10 Dallas Cops tonight, killing 4.

Wake up silent majority. Stand w our Cops.

11:15 PM - 7 Jul 2016

He followed that one up with this one immediately after:

Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom
It's time 4 patriotic Americans to stand up & stand against all the Cop haters - from Obama to the thugs on the street.

It's way past time.

11:52 PM - 7 Jul 2016

And then, after he was roundly criticized and had his tweets sent to the Secret Service, he tweeted this:

Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom
I wasn't calling for violence, against Obama or anyone. Obama's words & BLM's deeds have gotten cops killed. Time for us to defend our cops.
12:21 AM - 8 Jul 2016

A Message from Robert Reich

  After Trump and Vance’s disgraceful treatment of President Zelensky last Friday, some of you might feel ashamed of America. You might even...