There has been positive forward movement in this country regarding the acceptance of "gay", but not enough.
From the great state of Wisconson, comes the story of an Applebee's employee being beaten by a homophobic idiot just because of his sexual orientation.

On Saturday (March 30, 2013), Timothy "Tim" Phares, a well known waiter at the Rice Lake Applebee's Burger Restaurant decided to return to work after Apple American Group franchise CEO, Greg Flynn assured "his safety and welfare" and "zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind" at Applebee's restaurants. Phares had given his two weeks notice after a customer made an out burst remark targeted at him pertaining to his sexual orientation. The management apparently failed to take adequate action at the time to stop the harassment or tell the customer that the restaurant has a zero tolerance policy and won't tolerate any kind of discrimination towards any employee.
Days later at another location (near a Perkins Restaurant), Phares was beaten with a 2x4 by
Rien L. Hendricks, 35, whose wife worked at Applebee's. His wife drove Hendricks to where Phares was and after the battery assault attack left the scene. Phares' sister witnessed the beating and was able to identify Hendricks and his wife as the suspects involed in the incident to police.