Showing posts with label Joshua Granger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joshua Granger. Show all posts

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Trio of Scuzzbuckets

I had reverted to doing the "Scuzzbucket" thing on a monthly basis, but it must be that time of year when people do crazy, ugly things. There were two animal abuse incidents today. In Evangeline parish, these two scumwads admitted to sexually attacking their dog, a Siberian Husky named "Nyla."

Behind bars are Joshua Granger (above, left) and Nathan Wells (above, right.)

The Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office issued the following news release about the arrests:

On February 3, 2013, Louisiana State Police along with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff office conducted an investigation of Joshua Granger of 1628 Ash St. in Pine Prairie and Nathan Wells of the same address. During questioning, both Wells and Granger openly admitted to having sexual contact with a female dog every time the dog would come into heat. The dog was picked up by the humane society and both subjects were arrested on Crimes Against Nature, both subject were booked into the Evangeline Parish Jail with a bond of $7,500.00, both subjects are currently out of jail on the bond.

Scuzzbucket number three is from Slidell, where I reside.

This pig of a human being - Christina Stewart - was the owner of "A Jazzy Dog" grooming Salon.

From WWL-TV, here is some of the story:
The 42-year woman has been booked with cruelty to animals, according to a release from the Slidell Police Department.

Near the end of January, Stewart became the target of a joint investigation by Slidell Police and the Animal Control Division for Slidell.
Seuzeneau said the investigation was launched after “two employees came forward to file an official complaint against Stewart citing severe animal cruelty allegations. The witnesses stated that Stewart would frequently slam the dogs onto the grooming table and proceed to choke them with a leash. During one occasion, Stewart aledgedly hung a dog in the air causing the animal to go into a seizure. In other instances, Stewart would grab a dog’s face and would slam it into the grooming table, or would strangle the dogs,”.

As investigators were looking into the allegations, a woman who worked for Stewart for less than a day came forward with additional allegations of animal cruelty.

The woman was asked to show her grooming skills on an older dog. “The potential employee was attempting to groom the dog, but the dog refused to stand up on the grooming table. Stewart interjected and said, 'Watch this. If they won’t stand, this is what I do,'" said a statement from Seuzeneau. "Stewart then picked up the elderly dog and slammed him on the grooming table multiple times.

This sickening behaviour is unnatural, abhorrent and cruel beyond belief. I wonder how these animals sleep at night. No, they are not animals, they are the lowest scum on earth. Their time is coming.

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