Blogging from Slidell, Louisiana about loving life on the Gulf Coast despite BP and Katrina
Monday, October 23, 2023
Tom on Russia, Plane Rides and Florida Crimes
Friday, July 21, 2023
Tom on Florida Education and White Supremecists
The State of Florida announced it's new standards for the teaching of Black History yesterday, and to say that these new standards are controversial would be an understatement.
The standards were developed by 13 members of a group handpicked by Florida's Board of Education, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the DeSantis for President Campaign, whose purpose is to ensure that no White child ever heard a discouraging word about the beneficence of the White Race.
Lest you think that I exaggerate, consider this bit of guidance from the new standard, which states that the standard should show: " slaves developed skills which in some instances could be applied to their personal benefit...". To their way of thinking slavery was good for our "Niggrah" charges, for they are simple folks who benefit from the guidance of the White Man.
The new standards aim to restrict kids in the lower grades from learning anything about our Black forbearers, save for anodyne lists of inventors, athletes, and tap dancers.
High School students will learn that while Black people were sometimes sinned against by Whites, Blacks sometimes sinned against Whites. The entire purpose of this exercise is to sanitize the history of the Black Experience in America, because the common belief that slavery was a bad thing was a fabrication of the ' 'Woke" left.
The late Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz, was once quoted in Rolling Stone magazine as saying that what a Negro most wanted from life : "I'll tell you what the coloreds want: It's three things: first a tight pussy; second,loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit. That's all!!!". This, my friend, is an admittedly crude look into the mind of your typical White Supremacist. The author of the article was former White House Counsel John Dean, and also present was the singer Pat Boone. After that enlightening anecdote was published, Sec Butz was forced to resign.
Most men who find themselves in this state recognize the reality of the situation, and happily take on a subsidiary role in their families, but others rage and lash out at everyone who they see as 'keeping them down'. Many of these men fetishize guns, follow false prophets who promise a new world where White Christians dominate and women know their place, and where liberals are thought of as pedophliac vermin.
I'll end this screed by saying that while some folks are ignorant and hate-filled deplorables, most Americans are fundamentally decent people who want to live their lives in peace, whatever their party affiliation. The culture warriors of both the left and the right will soon find themselves on the ash-heap of history. One can only hope...
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