As almost everybody thought would happen, SCOTUS essentially banned the use of race as a factor in college admissions. Folks to the left side of the political spectrum are predictably outraged by the ruling, and a dispassionate observer might conclude that today's decision prohibited any member of one of the previously protected classes: Blacks, Hispancs, and Native Americans would be prohibited from attending college at all, rather than that admission be due to racial considerations in whole or in part. Those to the right side of the political spectrum are looking at a new day in college admissions in which the only members of the previously protected classes admitted to the nation's colleges would be athletes, certain theatre types, and a smattering of cute Black and Hispanic girls. The fact is that the SCOTUS may have made an important point with today's decision..
The Irish were unwelcome at many of the 'best' schools until the early 20th century, when they were replaced by the Eastern and Southern European immigrant children whose parents flocked to these shores during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Jews were subjected to quotas because it was feared that should they be allowed unrestricted access to the 'best schools', they would crowd out students less dedicated to the acquisition of knowledge than their usual applicant . Striving Asian applicants have mostly replaced the Jews of the first half of the 20th century as existential threats to those unwilling to work hard .
But too often this mosaic included few Black tiles. In my class at St A's there was only one Black kid in my year, and he happened to live directly across the hall from me. There were a couple more in the class following mine, and I like to think that I saved one of them from a savage beating one fine Saturday morning.
Anyway this guy who was looking for him looked like trouble squared, so I went to his room and woke him from a sound sleep and told him what was happening, and he near shit himself because the angry dude was his girlfriend's dad, and he was not at all happy that his Princess, a cute White girl from Maine, was allowing herself to be touched inappropriately by a 6'4"Black dude. Anyway we went over to my dorm where we called security and they got the Dean of Students to talk the angry dad down.
The remedy has served it's purpose and it's time to move on. The practice put a good many Black and Hispanic kids into educational venues in which they had no hope of succeeding.
There is a significant difference in the suitability of a valedictorian from a challenging high school such as Boston Latin or New Trier to achieve success at a challenging school like MIT or Johns Hopkins. A valedictorian from a crappy high school in Chicago has absolutely no chance of success in such a rarified educational atmosphere. These kids would be better served by attending a school more suited to their actual abilities where they had a realistic chance of success.