Showing posts with label hummingbird picture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hummingbird picture. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2020


WHEN SHOULD IT BECOME A 911 EMERGENCY: time is of the essence.

HUMMINGBIRDS HANGING UPSIDE DOWN: could be caused by numerous things such as a drastic change in weather, extremely cold temperatures, lack of nutrition, window collisions or even being egg bound (for those who have female hummingbirds all year), things you should know and IF YOU TRULY CARE, how you can help:

In the last several years, I have seen many people posting pictures on Facebook which have found a hummingbird hanging upside down during the day, many requesting help and others assuming it's natural and it's SO CUTE for these tiny birds to be taking a nap during the day.

First off, if a hummingbird is in torpor during the day especially hanging upside down, it is far from being natural and it's FAR FROM BEING CUTE. In fact:

From the time it took you to take it's picture, post it on Social Media, replied to all the comments, that hummingbird's survival rate went from 50% down to 1%.

EDUCATED UNDERSTANDING: if the bird is suffering from (including but NOT LIMITED too):

Anemia (lack of proper nutrition) is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body's tissues which can lead to Inflammation of the tongue, extreme fatigue and weakness as well as death.

Head Trauma (swelling or bleeding of the brain also known as subdural hematoma) is any trauma to the scalp, skull, or brain which can be caused by window collisions and is a condition which can lead to balancing issues, confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures as well as immediate death.

Egg Bound or Dystocia (mainly in smaller birds) is a reproductive problem that causes the bird to retain the egg in the reproductive tract which can be caused by lack of nutrition, lack of calcium, infection and trauma which can lead to fluffed up appearance, difficulty breathing, inability to balance on perch, paralysis of a leg, weakness, decrease in appetite as well as death.

ALL which require IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE by a TRAINED (licensed or permitted) Wldlife Rehabilitator.

In mid west or east coast, they have what is called migration. This is when a hummingbird "instinctively" knows that it needs to fly south to warmer climates in order to survive because of the decline in insect and flower population.

On the west coast, they are blessed to have hummingbirds year round but many times with a price. Although they don't experience the harsh cold subzero winters, temperatures have been known to drop into the single digits which can cause a fast decline in the insect and flower population leaving hummingbirds vulnerable to illness and even death.

Since a hummingbirds diet is 75 to 80% insects, 15 to 20% flower nectar and ONLY 5% sugar water from a feeder (one cup pure cane sugar to four cups water), incorporate insects into your yard by adding a compost bin which will attract tiny gnats and fruit flies and place that near or around your feeders.

It doesn't matter what the temperature is outside, sugar water will spoil and with the higher humidity, will create mold which is the death sentence for hummingbirds, so as a guideline, follow the chart BUT watch for cloudy nectar even if the chart tells you otherwise.

As the saying goes, a body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion, another thing you can do to help keep them warm is to offer options:

If you have a hummingbird feeder where the perch is attached by a screw, consider removing the perch, so the hummingbird remains in flight while eating and works to keep the body warm. Then, add an additional feeder with a perch, so they have the option to sit at their dinner table or to eat while in flight.

Treat your wildlife rehabber in the same manner you would treat your children's doctor by clicking on the link entering your zip code, clicking on Wildlife Emergencies and calling the numbers to the left of the screen to see if they have hummingbird rehabber's available. If the answer is yes, THEN store that number in your phone, so you have it available when you find one in distress.

1). take a large Gladware container (that a clear or frosted container), line it with a PAPER towel (NO terry cloth towels).

2). place a branch inside which sits a HALF INCH from the bottom and place the hummingbird on the branch.

3). place the container in a WARM ROOM with moderate light (preferably a bathroom which doesn't have vaulted ceilings) in case the little one tries to fly.

4). using a syringe or an eye dropper (NO OPEN CONTAINER) fill it with sugar water to feed the hummingbird EVERY 20 to 30 minutes by placing the syringe or eye dropper 1/4 to 1/2 way over the beak, count 1 1,000, 2 1,000 3, 1000 and remove, so it can breath and done until you can transport it to your rehabber.

NEVER try and feed a hummingbird if it is cold or sleeping as you WILL aspirate and kill the hummingbird within 20 minutes.

In addition, do NOT try and drip the sugar water into the beak as that too can cause aspiration.

Next, based on the age of the hummingbird, a hummingbird can only survive 24 to 48 hours on sugar water.

Last, it is always best not to handle a hummingbird since you don't know what's wrong especially if it's egg bound, so once you have the little one all settled in the container, DO NOT continue to handle.

With the decline of hummingbirds, STOP wasting your time getting the perfect picture, so you can have your 15 minutes of fame on Social Media and do right by our hummingbirds by being better educated and most of all, prepared.

As I always say, caring is SHARING, so please feel free to share. If you're having issues sharing or this site doesn't offer that option, please share from the original link


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