Showing posts with label Syrian refugees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syrian refugees. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Photo: Paolo Pellegrin, for The New York Times

I wanted to share this photo because it touched my heart. Each face portraying what the Syrian refugees are struggling with.

These people have been through so much in the past four years.

I'm amazed at their bravery, living through the horrific humanitarian disaster that has been simmering since 2011, involving an influx of "sectarians"(ie terrorists), that evil Assad, a man with no soul and a world that basically turned the other way.

The father in this picture makes me wonder about his life. How it became altered by the craziness in Syria, crazy enough to grab his two small children and run for their lives. Where is their mother? Are there other children? The baby in his arms must be hungry, scared, sick. I just want to comfort him. And the little girl with the heart on her shirt. What stories will she tell in the future.

Please send up good thoughts and prayers for these three and ALL of the people who are refugees. Imagine yourselves in their place.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Cruelty to those Suffering

I was thinking of going to go back to "Scuzzbucket of the Week" on this one.

But I was unsure if I could find a scuzzbucket every 7 days. What a silly thing to worry about. With an upcoming election year and the wackos out there hating our President, lunacy in the Mid East, that crazy woman in Kentucky, I'd have a treasure trove! I bet I could do a "Scuzzbucket of the Day" lately.

Anyway, I caught this video while checking out the daily news today.

I don't know where Hungary's leaders' minds are, but I'm not liking them too much lately. I'm feeling naive when it comes to what they're doing, I suppose. But it doesn't make me feel good about it.

Buddy Guy at 88

  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...