Showing posts with label Voters' guides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voters' guides. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2019

Election Resources

It's early voting time!  We try to vote early because the lines on election day are a pain in the ass.

Here are websites dedicated to giving you good information to use as you make your decisions on your vote.

There are several amendments on the ballot which will require you to do some homework to make an intelligent decision, because it's too much reading to do in the voting booth.  Here they are:

‍Amendment ‍1 ‍Offshore ‍Goods ‍Property ‍Tax ‍Exemption ‍

‍Amendment ‍2 ‍Adds ‍Schools ‍to ‍the ‍Education ‍Excellence ‍Fund

Amendment ‍3 ‍Board ‍of ‍Tax ‍Appeals ‍Jurisdiction ‍

‍Amendment ‍4 ‍New ‍Orleans ‍Tax ‍Exemption ‍for ‍Affordable ‍Housing ‍

Below are some websites that explain the ballots in plain english:

The Bureau of Governmental Research is a private, nonprofit, independent research organization dedicated to informed public policy making and the effective use of public resources for the improvement of government in the New Orleans metropolitan area.

They have created a comprehensive report that details - in everyday English - each of the constitutional amendments on the ballot. This is the place to go to make a wise decision on the amendments.

The Louisiana Secretary of State
Here you can find sample ballots by Parish

VOTESMART DOT ORGBy typing in your zip code on the left hand of the page, you will
be presented with all the information you need in making decisions in
this election. It doesn't include the amendments, but is chock full of
information about the candidates and incumbents.

CABL dot org
The Council for a Better Louisiana
In depth information of both the candidates and the amendments.  It explains each amendment, the background and how a vote for or against would affect the way things hppen.

LA-PAR dot org
Louisiana Public Affairs Research Council
Includes a pdf guide to the constitutional amendments, explaining what a vote "for" or a vote "against" would do.  

Vote LA dot org
By putting in your address at this website you will be given a sample ballot
to familiarize yourself with the candidates and amendments. This site doesn't explain the amendments, though.

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  Nothing cooler than an 88-year-old Buddy Guy, sipping Cognac with one hand, playing “Sunshine of Your Love” with the other hand, while lea...