Dr. Melvin Morse of Delaware, who specializes in near-death experiences in children was arrested this week after his 11 year old daughter told authorities that she was punished by "waterboarding," police said. Morse wrote a book about the near-death experiences in children entitled "Closer to the Light" in 1991.
Authorities were first alerted to allegations of abuse in July when they went to Morse's home in the city of Georgetown. Morse was accused of grabbing his 11-year-old daughter by the ankle, dragging her across a gravel driveway into the home and spanking her, police said. Morse was arrested at that time and posted a bond. The 11-year-old was interviewed by detectives.
During the interview, the girl spoke about other alleged abuse and talked about a punishment she said her father called "waterboarding," the Delaware State Police said.
The girl told police that her father would hold her face under a running faucet, which caused the water to shoot up her nose. The punishments happened at least four times over a two-year period. The girl's mother, Pauline Morse, witnessed some of them and did nothing, police said.

Pauline Morse faces charges of reckless endangerment, conspiracy and endangering the welfare of a child.
Here is an interview where this monster was interviewed by Larry King in December of 2010