Kisha Curtis of Newark, New Jersey.
The 1-year-old pit bull, hailed by animal care workers as a "miracle dog," was discovered March 16 by maintenance workers inside a garbage chute at the Garden Spires apartment building -- a 550-unit complex in Newark notorious for drug trade and other crimes.
The dog was found so brutalized his bones protruded from his fur and he had no body temperature. Animal care workers with the Associated Humane Societies/Popcorn Park called it one of the worst cases of cruelty they've ever seen.

Sweet little Kisha starved the dog, put his nearly lifeless and emaciated body in a plastic garbage bag, then threw him down the garbage chute in a Newark apartment building.
Curtis faces 18 months in jail or a $3,000 fine if convicted
Here is a link to a Facebook page setup for the dog - named Patrick - for more information on how he is faring.
There's a special place in hell for people like Kisha.