Thursday, May 17, 2018


By now you've seen or heard about the possibly bi-polar, certainly xenophobic, definitely racist New York lawyer Aaron Schlossberg's recent rage incident that happened in a cafeteria when he heard people speaking to each other in Spanish.  Video below.

He's racist AND a liar.  From the Rawstory website:

Schlossberg’s  website advertises himself as “a member of the New York State Bar Association,” except, a phone call to the group revealed he is not.
“Mr. Schlossberg is not a member of the New York State Bar Association,” said managing director Dan Weiller

Before he even made it to court, the New York Post caught him leaving for work.  

True to racist form ala the bitch in Oakland,  racist lawyer bro cried for police protection.  From the NY Post:

Schlossberg, carrying a briefcase and wearing a black ski cap and a suit and tie, used his open umbrella to hide his face and appeared to shoot cellphone video of the gathered media outside his West 60th Street building.
“Please send help,” Schlossberg was then heard saying into his cellphone. “They’re claiming things that aren’t true … grabbing me, not letting me walk.”
“They won’t let me move. They’re surrounding me,” Schlossberg said on the call before hopping into a yellow cab on West 60th Street near Tenth Avenue.

In other reactions, some enterprising person took to yelp to change the description of Schlossberg's business to "Spanish restaurant". 

Speaking of yelp, his law firm is getting 1 star reviews on the crowdsourced review platform.  read the story here.

A few days later, some very inventive people have come up with ideas to put this racist bastard at ease:

It's not surprising that Schlossberg supports the P.O.S. currently ruining the country.  According to the"&gt">
 Center for Responsive Politics,
  Schlossberg donated $500 to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, who promised to crack down on immigration and build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Aw, it appears that Schlossberg has lost his office space due to his racist tantrum
But wait!!  It seems this lunatic has gone off the deep end before.  Watch this from October, 2016: 

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Seriously Coked Out

  i have yet to see a picture of kash patel where he doesn't look coked out. Comment from Bluesky. And here are those eyes in action ...