Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tom on Israel

   Today, we are all Jewish, for Judaism represents the light of civilization, while Hamas and its international apologists and enablers represent the forces of evil in its most fundamental form.  

The Israelis seem to be intent on taking their revenge on the nest of vipers that is Gaza, and who can blame them?  While everybody knows that the average Gazan is innocent of taking up arms against Israel and her citizens, most have been infected with the virus of hate that their masters in Hamas have inculcated in them.  They cheer when Israeli blood is shed, they dance when they take the life of a beloved bubbie or a child too young to speak. They demand warning before Israeli forces take action against them, yet slaughter residents of the  kibbutzim in their beds.  Should we shed crocodile tears when the bell tolls for them?  I think not.

Now Israel is imposing a siege on Gaza and the usual subjects shout slogans like: "Collective punishment", "Apartheid", and "proportionate response", yet they blame every Jew, be thay from America or France, or one of the many places where the Jews of the diaspora have found themselves, for the depredations of settler youth in the West Bank.  Is that not collective blame?

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Seriously Coked Out

  i have yet to see a picture of kash patel where he doesn't look coked out. Comment from Bluesky. And here are those eyes in action ...