Friday, August 23, 2013

For Katrina Veterans

Nearly 8 years since Hurricane Katrina devastated our area, a shaky firm called Public Policy Polling has published the 'results' of a poll they took
asking GOPers who is to blame for the Government's failure during The Storm. Here is the link to the poll

In addition to political issues, the company has polled the public on such diverse topics as the approval rating of God, whether Republican voters believe President Obama would be eligible to enter heaven in the event of the Rapture and whether hipsters should be subjected to a special tax for being annoying.

This company is a joke, but I certainly don't think it's funny that they took this "poll" in the month of August and published the results so very close to Katrina's anniversary.

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Seriously Coked Out

  i have yet to see a picture of kash patel where he doesn't look coked out. Comment from Bluesky. And here are those eyes in action ...