Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oil on Elmer's Island

The nightmare just keeps getting worse.

from nola dot com

May 20, 2010, 10:57AM
Oil is washing up on Elmer's Island off lower Jefferson Parish, a wildlife refuge and popular spot for bird-watching and beach camping, a Jefferson Parish official said.

Councilman Tom Capella said this morning that oil from the BP rig explosion has washed up on the island just west of Grand Isle.

Capella was traveling to the island to attend a 12:30 p.m. news conference with Gov. Bobby Jindal.

Jindal declared the island a wildlife refuge in 2008 and reopened it for public use for the first time since 2002, when a private access road was closed.

A six-mile stretch of beach, sand dunes and marsh ponds between Fourchon Beach and Caminada Pass, Elmer's Island had been prized for decades as one of the few road-accessible beaches in eastern Louisiana.

Update: Deano Bonnano - Chief of Homeland Security in Jefferson Parish - stated on WWL that during a surveillance trip over Elmer's Island a few days ago they spotted an oil slick and gave the GPS coordinates to BP and BP did not respond. They're thumbing their noses at everyone.

I have such fond memories of camping out on the beach at Elmer's Island. This is just sickening.

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