Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring 2009

Friday was the first day of Spring and the weather was all about spring: low humidity, cool breezes and nighttime temperatures in the 50's. You couldn't order better weather. Hubby and I spent the whole weekend sprucing up the yard (actually, I was in a supporting role, he did all of the big stuff) after a short but miserable winter. Coming out of Gustav and Ike, the yard was in pretty bad shape.
Click on pictures for larger size

One of our cypress trees was topped by a neighbor's tree during Gustav(which also took out two fences....we're still waiting for him to fix it). This little tree his blooming and we couldn't be happier!

The entire backyard was covered with this blanket of sticky weed. After pulling it all up, I ended up with two trashcans of the weed.

Looking up into the blue skies, it's hard to miss the legacy of Katrina's trees. I'm surprised these twisted messes are still standing, let alone sprouting new growth.

Our wild irises are blooming quite nicely.

Even our 13 year old cat ventured out today to soak up some of the warm sunshine.

A view from my patio at 9 this morning. Today was the third day in a row with this great weather. We enjoy spring so much down here because it's short and usually followed by months of 90 plus degree weather and that damn humidity.

But I wouldn't live anywhere else.

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Monday smile

  Dad recorded his music-loving daughter's growth over the years. Notice that his face doesn't change in at all thru the years.