Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Wishing all those involved in the flooding up north the best. I'm sorry that you have to deal with FEMA and Bush. If you need advice, ask anyone here who's gone thru what you are currently experiencing.

There were buildings that no one thought would even get water in their basements that now have water damage on the SECOND floor." He said it's "amazing" that the flood hasn't caused any deaths or serious injuries -- at least so far.

The federal government predicted that a total of 27 levees could potentially overflow along the river if the weather forecast is on the mark and a massive sandbagging effort fails to raise the level of the levees, according to a map obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

The breached levee meant there were 26 more that could burst.

Washington, D.C. (AHN) - The American Red Cross has used up its national disaster relief fund and is borrowing money to be able to provide relief and assistance to Midwest flood victims.

Red Cross officials estimated it would need between $15 million to $40 million for the relief efforts, with the figure gravitating toward the higher end if St. Louis would be flooded by Mississippi River waters. "http://american.redcross.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ntld_main"> Make your donation here

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