Saturday, January 19, 2008

Krewe de Vieux

Once again it's time for the Krewe de Vieux (crew da vooo) parade

Here are the 2008 Sub Krewe Themes

RUE DU BOURBON: All You Need is Cash

COMATOSE: Comatose Goes Under The Gun

KREWE DE CRAPS: CRAPS Mutinies – Where’s That Booty

C.R.U.D.E.: When Life Gives You Shit…Grow Mushrooms

DRIPS AND DISCHARGES: "Sgt. Eddie's Only Honkies Banned"

INANE: Mystic Krewe of Inane Extends Its Tour of Booty

K.A.O.S.: You Never Give Me Your Money


L.E.W.D: David Vitter’s Lonely Whore’s Club

MAMA ROUX: We All Live in a Jello Shot Machine

KREWE DU MISHIGAS: Krewe du mishigas wards off the evil eye.

MONDU: Mondu Raises Hell-ter Skelter

MYSTIC KREWE OF PAN: PAN Drinks the Lafcadio Kool-Aid

SEEDS OF DECLINE: Fools on the Hill

MYSTIC KREWE OF SPERMES: Spermes: The White Album

T.O.K.I.N.: TOKIN Gets Wasted

UNDERWEAR: Can Buy Me Love

Missed the parade, but thanks to Schroeder I found a link to the KdV's
periodical, Le Monde de Merde, which is hilarious:
Read you some

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