links where I could find them.
Tuesday, August 22
LEVEES.ORG to observe Anniversary of the Worst Engineering Disaster in U.S. History
4:00 p.m., Poydras Street Courtyard, Hale Bogg's Building, Magazine at Poydras
Purpose is to release a report card on the performance of the U.S. Corps of Engineers since August 29, 2005 and to release a commemorative poster made from photos of flag-draped flooded homes.
For more information contact Sandy Rosenthal at 504-616-5159 or

Wednesday, August 23
New Orleans Council on Aging: Katrina Theater
10:00 a.m., 2020 Jackson Avenue, temporary home of New Orleans Council on Aging
Recognition of one-year anniversary. For more information, contact Howard Rodgers, or 504-827-7843.

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation Listening Tour
10:00 a.m., Loew's Hotel, 300 Poydras 202-659-4929
The purpose of the Listening Tour is to learn what it means, not only to live through the life-altering affects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, but also how women directly impacted by the storms have survived one year later. Further, by hearing from the voices of women, the NCBCP and our partners can better identify and assist in facilitating relief, recovery and rebuilding priorities through our Rebuild Hope Now Campaign (RBHN).

Friday, August 25
New Orleans One Year Forward: The City Council's View
Gallier Hall
Led by Councilwoman Stacy Head, includes a presentation by New Orleans demographer Greg Rigamer highlighting the progress New Orleans has made during the past year. Representatives of industries including the port, oil and gas, banking, real estate, tourism and preservation will report along with district council members.
For more information, call 504-658-1000.

One Year Later: What Have We Learned?
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Loyola University College of Law, Broadway Campus, 526 Pine St. 504-865-2011

Remembering Katrina Observance
7:00 p.m., Ashe Cultural Arts Center, 1712 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.
With former Mayor Marc Morial and friends. For more information, contact Gail Glapion or Mtangulizi Sanyika, 504-242-8353 or 713-376-3364, or e-mail:

Saturday, August 26
Rising Tide Conference
8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., New Orleans Yacht Club, 403 N. Roadway St., New Orleans
8:00 - 9:00: Keynote Address: Christopher Cooper and Robert Bloch, authors of Disaster: Hurricane Katrina and the Failure of Homeland Security.
9:15 - 10:15: Panel Discussion: Personal Viewpoints moderated by Mark Moseley, including bloggers who stayed through the storm.
10:30 - 11:30: Think New Orleans by Alan Gutierrez.
1:00 - 2:00: Panel Discussion: New Orleans Politics moderated by Peter Athas.
2:15 - 3:15: Panel Discussion: Influence of Journalists and Bloggers moderated by Maitri Venkat-Ramani and Mark Folse, with NOLA.Com editor Jon Donley.
3:30 - 4:30: Panel Discussion: Bloggers & Neighborhood Associations moderated by Morwen Madrigal and Peter Athas , with blogger/neighborhood activists representing the Gentilly, Mid-City, Northwest Carrollton and B neighborhoods.
For more information, contact: Mark Folse 504-872-0091.

One Year Later: Tour
9:00 a.m., Holy Name Church, Loyola Main Campus, 6363 St. Charles 504-865-2011

The Art of Healing
9:00 a.m. - Noon
Young people will present their feelings through painting, poetry, dance and theater. The activity is being coordinated by public, private, charter and parochial schools. The council also is sponsoring "Finding Hope Beyond Katrina," an essay competition for middle school and high school students. First-, second- and third-place winners will receive savings bonds.
For more information, call 504-658-1000.

Hands around the Dome
Noon - 3:00 p.m., Louisiana Superdome
For more information, contact Gail Glapion or Mtangulizi Sanyika, 504-242-8353 or 713-376-3364, or e-mail

ACORN Tour of Hope
2:00 p.m. Leaves from ACORN office, 1024 Elysian Fields Ave.
Illustration of the progress made in our neighborhoods.
Pre-registration required, call 504-943-0044 x114

ACORN Katrina Memorial
6:00 p.m. Location TBA
Gathering with ACORN members and friends to memorialize Katrina and thank those who have helped ACORN through this difficult year.

Sunday, August 27
The Kazanjian Jewels for Charity silent auction
>In 1957, the family established the Kazanjian Foundation to support a wide range of scientific, artistic and cultural causes, with an emphasis on programs for disadvantaged youth.
The Kazanjian Foundation sells the jewelry at its full appraised value. Seventy percent of the proceeds are passed on to Childrens Hospital, which determines the gift annuity based on this amount. The remaining 30 percent goes to a charity chosen by the jeweler or store that facilitates the sale.
The Kazanjian Foundation underwrites all expenses.
Click here for more info
Noon - Midnight, Harrah's Casino
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

A Memorial Tribute to the Victims of Hurricane Katrina
1 p.m., Claiborne Avenue and Tennessee Street
Tribute by members of the Lower 9th Ward Neighborhood Council.
For more information, call 504-658-1000.

Ecumenical Worship Service
2:00 p.m. Congo Square
With Cyril Neville. For more information, contact Gail Glapion or Mtangulizi Sanyika, 504-242-8353 or 713-376-3364, or e-mail:

Gospel concert
3:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m., Ernest N. Morial Convention Center auditorium
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

Katrina Memorial Concert
3:00 p.m. Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, 1235 Louisiana Ave.
Free concert commemorating the first anniversary of the catastophe. Featuring performances by sopranos Phyllis Treigle, Thais St. Julien; flautist Louis Hackett; organists James Hammann, Marcus St. Julien; and th New Orleans Musica da Camera.

New Orleans is the Soul of her People
4:30 p.m., St. Louis Cathedral
Poet Brenda Marie Osbey and others from the Faulkner Society, including concert by Davell Crawford and other gospel singers. A reception and book signing follows in the Cabildo.

Candlelight ceremony for Katrina victims
8:30 p.m., Algiers Point
Candles will be lit for each person who died during Katrina.
For more information, call 504-658-1000.

Ambassadors of Swing talent search
9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m., Harrah's Casino theater
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

Monday, August 28
The Kazanjian Jewels for Charity silent auction

Emeril Lagasse Foundation Cooking With Music Event
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
An educational program for children featuring Emeril Lagasse and Wynton Marsalis.
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

Exclusive Food Experience
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., various New Orleans restaurants
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

Tuesday, August 29
LGTB community marks Hurricane Katrina anniversary with a seven-day festival beginning with a reunion Tuesday evening and continuing through Monday, Sept. 4, with theater performances, a film series, special literary and political colloquies, and myriad New Orleans tours.
For more information, contact Melinda Shelton, Communications Director, at 504-458-9761 or email

Storm anniversary events - St. Bernard Parish
7:00 a.m., Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church, Chalmette
Special anniversary mass
8:30 a.m., St. Bernard Unified School
Day of Reflection breakfast
Time TBA, Liberty Plaza, St. Bernard Civic Center
Bell-ringing ceremony
Prayer breakfast
8:30 a.m., Asia Baptist Church, 1400 Sere St.
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at"

Ringing of the bells
To signify the first levee breach.
9:38 a.m., City Hall
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

Wreath layings
9:38 a.m., various locations throughout the city
Each council member will lay a wreath in one of the most devastated neighborhoods in his or her district.
For more information, call 504-658-1000.

Memorial ceremony and march
10:00 a.m., 9th Ward Levee Break, Jourdan and N. Galvez Sts.
March to be sponsored by a coalition of grass-roots organizations, which includes the African-American Leadership Project, the Causeway Concentration Camp Foundation, the Lower 9th Ward Neighborhood Empowerment Network Association, New Orleans Worker Justice Coalition, the People's Hurricane Relief Fund, Common Ground and the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond.

Shell Beach memorial dedication ceremony
10:00 a.m., Shell Beach, St. Bernard Parish
An illuminated, stainless steel crucifix and stone monument bearing the names of the 129 St. Bernard Parish residents who died in Hurricane Katrina will be dedicated as part of daylong remembrance activities.

Desire Street Academy Memorial Service
10:00 a.m., Desire Street Ministries and Desire Street Academy, 3600 Desire St.
With former Saints Quarterback Danny Wuerffel, students, faculty and friends.
For more information, contact Marcia Peterson, 866-633-0070,
Monument dedication
10:30 a.m., Mississippi River Heritage Park, 1100 block of Convention Center Blvd.
The City Council will dedicate a granite monument at the Mississippi River Heritage Park.
For more information, call 504-658-1000.

Hospice Memorial service for the Terminally Ill who were evacuated
On Aug. 29 To provide an appropriate bereavement activity for those who need one; free counseling also available.
11:00 a.m., 1221 S. Clearview Pkwy., Metairie
For more information, contact Jerry Pesses 504-975-7878, or email or

Ecumenical prayer service
Noon, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center auditorium
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

Kazanjian Jewels for Charity silent auction from
noon - Midnight, Harrah's Casino
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at"

Commemoration Program
1:00 p.m. Congo Square, Louis Armstrong Park, N. Rampart St.
Culmination of march from site of the Lower 9th Ward levee break.

One New Orleans jazz funeral procession
2:00 p.m., Convention Center to the Superdome
Led by Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré and honoring first responders, lives lost in Katrina and the rebirth of New Orleans.
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

Pre-concert community event
3:30 p.m, the Louisiana Superdome
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

New Orleans: Rebuilding the Soul of America . . . One Year Later
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., New Orleans Arena
Televised concert. Participating channels TBA.
Those interested in participating should contact Emeline Desse at

Lakewood Homecoming
7:00 p.m., Beacon of Hope, 5475 Bellaire Dr.
For more information, contact Nancy Plough,, or Judi Greer,

Official Interfaith Prayer Service
7:00 p.m., St. Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square
Members of 12 faiths, including Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu will participate in this service. The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra will play in Jackson Square from 8:00-8:55, and at 8:55, the Katrina bell (twin to the 9/11 bell in New York City) will be rung to commemorate the lives lost in Katrina.
For more information, contact M. Dubuisson, 504-592-5691 or 504-905-1070, or email

Hurricane Katrina Rememberance Ceremony
Heritage Park, Slidell
6:00 - 7:30 pm

1 comment:
Check out the "Jewels for Charity" auction in aid of the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Celebrity jewels, including Madonna's wedding tiara, are being auctioned off to raise money for Wynton Marsalis' "Rebuild the Soul of America Trust." All the jewels are currently on show at Adler's Jewelry ( on Canal Street.
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