Friday, August 25, 2006

Do Nothing Nagin

Ray Nagin is really enjoying his celebrity.

From traveling the country a few months ago as an "expert" on disaster management (can you say oxymoron?) to his latest interview on CBS's 60 Minutes this Sunday (8/27/06).

In his latest round of unbelievable cocky behavior, he becomes flippant when a CBS reporter queries him on the state of the city one year Post-K. His response: You guys in New York can't get a hole in the ground fixed, and it's five years later. So let's be fair.

Still using his race card, earlier this week he complained that the slow federal recovery was because of the racial makeup of the city. And I, to this day, believe that if that would have happened in Orange County, California, if that would have happened in South Beach, Miami, it would have been a different response

I wonder if Ray Nagin can take responsibility for anything?

Our esteemed governess wrote Ray Ray this week about the state of New Orleans' recovery one year later. In this letter she details monies appropriated to the city for recovery versus monies spent to date. 45% of the dollars appropriated have been used.

You da man, C-Ray.

In an article about "Super Mouth" Nagin Bayou Buzz dot com discusses Ray's penchant for making off the cuff remarks . I couldn't have said it better myself.

And now we have the circus coming to town to "commemorate" the one year anniversary of Katrina. Lord knows what Ray Ray malaprops we will be hearing this week.

Found this in the Times Picayune today (8/25/06) in a story about former New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass. Ray Nagin - unknowingly prophesizing his own future “His commanders expressed serious concerns about him, he was on a fairly regular basis making statements to the press that were somewhat illogical,” Nagin said talking about Eddie Compass.

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