Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Chalmation in DC

Update 8/25/06
From the Washington Post
The Vaccarella visit was part of a preemptive effort by the White House to fend off fresh criticism of the administration's handling of Katrina as the first anniversary approaches. Vaccarella praised the government effort while saying he "wanted to remind the president that the job's not done, and he knows that." Bush plans to travel to the Gulf Coast region for two days next week to tour damaged areas, and he vowed to cut through any "bureaucratic hurdles" holding up reconstruction efforts.

Jeesh. I'm sorry and embarassed that I wasted space posting this:

Rockey Vacarella from Chalmette has made it to D.C. and is meeting with Bush.
Just shows to go you that you can accomplish anything if you go at it the right way.
Sure it's a "good news" story for Bush to look like an attentive president, but we all know better down here, don't we?

from this T.P. article:
It takes a confident person to ride into this town and expect the president to join you for dinner — even if you’re providing the grub.

But Rockey Vaccarella, who clung to the rooftop of his flooded Meraux home for more than four hours after Hurricane Katrina hit before swimming to safety, said he felt compelled to come to the nation’s capital with a mock but realistic looking FEMA trailer to pass on a personal message to President Bush.

And even though almost everyone told him it was a lost cause, Vaccarella will get his meeting with Bush — not for dinner but a private session at the White House Wednesday morning (8/23/06).

What the fuck, Rockey? Did the white house fund your little trip?


Anonymous said...

Rockey is a goof

Judy Thorne said...
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