A woman got shot and killed smashing through a Capital window. Three other MAGAs who apparently suffered fatal heart attacks while trying to groan up the Capitol Steps.
All the Rightwing got from yesterday was a horrible optic of wacko cosplayers trashing the Capital Building. That is going to have a long-lasting impact in Middle America suburbia.
Y'know, this just may turn out to be the best-case scenario.
1. Trump is toast. Done. Finished. He stood there in front of that crowd and poured gasoline over his head, and Guiliani tossed on the cigarette. His plans for a shadow government? Gone. His hope of returning to power in 2024? Gone.
2. He took down his idiot spawn with him, too. Junior and Eric both spoke and egged on the mob. Eric I was never worried about. He's too brainless to get elected anywhere but Alabama. Junior I thought might worm his way into the Senate some day. Nope. Not now. Ivanka blew it, too. "Patriots." She won't live THAT down.
3. Sarah Palin was bleating on FoxNews yesterday about a new Patriot Party, just for wackadoodles. That would be MARVELOUS. Fox cut her off quickly. You could almost hear Lachlan's girly shrieks of alarm from the Fox exec suite. "CUT HER OOOOOOOOFFFF!"
4. There's going to be a pitched battle between the Lincoln Project mainstream GOPers and the nutjob Very Fine People and Qanon simpletons that greatly diminishes all of them. The nutjobs will turn on leadership for betraying Dear Leader. It's already happening. See Georgia for proof. A year ago would two Dems have won those seats? Nope. They would have lost by healthy margins.
5. Pence is totally toast. Four years of sucking Trump's dick down the drain! Hated by the Trumpers, a pariah toadie to everyone else. He couldn't win a school board primary now. It's the feelgood story of the day! See also Gym Jordan and Matt Gaetz. They'll hang on to their gerrymandered seats, but share an office with Louis Gohmert in the House sub-basement.
6. Now that Jack and Zuck have made the plunge and shut down Trump, they'll boot him completely soon. Once he loses that pulpit, Trump will shrink rapidly.
Big props for allowing Trump to conjure himself into existence, guys. History will be "kind" to you both.
The Very Fine People btw are already shrieking about Parler being an FBI honeypot, a ruse to database them all and then round them up! Haha.
7. The noxious Ted Cruz can also kiss his presidential aspirations buh-bye. That hurts because he wants it reeeeeeeeeeal bad.
The way Texas is changing demographically, I wouldn't count on him winning another Senate term either. He and that Hawley creep will be forever linked to this debacle. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
8. Four White House staffers immediately resigned yesterday. Rats swan-diving into the sewage-filled water. By the end of the week, it will be Trump alone in a shadow-filled White House. The only sign of life is the sound of a vacuum cleaner in the hallway. His puffy orange face is lit by the glow of his Android as he tries in vain to post to his deleted Twitter account.
The camera pans out as he hits "tweet" again and again and again.
A single tear rolls down his porcine cheek
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