Thursday, March 19, 2020

Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth

From Facebook

Jon Kardon
11 hrs
WARNING: I'm furious and I'm going to rant. Scroll past or read, your choice.

Trumpers - You just killed my father, my grandma, my aunt, my brother. Not figuratively, literally. You and your president fiddled while Rome burns and now our families, our neighbors and our friends are dying.

You chose to elect one of the world's most horrible humans, known for decades for his pathological lies and narcism, racism and xenophobia, and put him in charge of this country's safety. It's not bad enough that he has taken, with your vocal support, sweeping measures to threaten our future, starting with pulling the US out of the Paris Agreements and the Iran Nuclear deals. You then allowed Trump to disband the National Security Council Pandemic Team that had been assembled so that we have the ability to quickly respond to a pandemic threat.

Even without the Pandemic Team in place you could have still responded to the threat and saved this country. We had the benefit of weeks of visibility of what was happening in China, Singapore and Italy, but no, you supported the usual gaslighting response that this was all a big Democratic hoax designed to take down Trump. And so we have lost months of valuable time to 1) put his country on lock down to flatten the curve 2) prepare ourselves for the pending medical emergency by ramping up production and distribution of protective gear for our doctors, nurses and medical teams, ramping up production and distribution of respirators, essential test kits and emergency treatment and quarantine facilities.

So here we are. Instead of facing a curve like Singapore's, our curve is mimicking Italy's. Italy had 475 COVID-19 deaths yesterday. We are realistically facing over a million COVID deaths in this country now with an almost certain overrunning of our ability to treat the coming cases due to lack of everything - test kits, beds, respirators, equipment to protect the doctors, nurses and medical teams.

Meanwhile, more than half of this country is unemployed with no end in sight. Many experts are saying we not only are staring down a major recession, but just as likely a depression of which we haven't seen the likes of since 1929. So much for managing the country for the good of the stock market and your billionaire friends.

So, this one is on you, you willfully ignorant (the root word is IGNORE) and evil spirited masses of human crap. We will all now fight to survive the plague you wrought on this nation and world. We'll do our best to take care of and support our families and communities. We'll watch our musician friends as they entertain us in our virtual world and we'll contribute to their virtual tip jars. But, we will never forget what you did to all of us with your election of and support for the most dangerous, evil and ill-equipped president in our history. This one is on you.

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Seriously Coked Out

  i have yet to see a picture of kash patel where he doesn't look coked out. Comment from Bluesky. And here are those eyes in action ...