Friday, June 08, 2018

R.I.P. Anthony Bordain

CNN confirmed the death, saying in a statement that Bourdain was found unresponsive Friday morning by friend and chef Eric Ripert in the French city of Strasbourg. The network called it a suicide without providing any additional details.

Feeling shocked, saddened, numbed by this news.  

From Twitter:
Padma Lakshmi liked
RIP doubtful. Tony’s restless spirit will roam the earth in search of justice, truth and a great bowl of noodles.

His swagger, his prose, his grit. Tony didn’t give a fuck the way most of us wish we could. That’s what made him special. Right now He, Bukowski, Hemingway and Wilde are splitting a bottle of scotch, swapping war stories, prepared to drink each other under the table, with verve.

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you... You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” — Anthony Bourdain

Still reeling. As my friend Tony Page just texted, “He left when America needed him most.” Tell the people you love, every day, that you love them. Sorry, just so crushed and sad

Welcome to Heaven, Anthony Bourdain. That’s right, you got into Heaven because you were a good person. Come, we’ve prepared a feast with all your favorite Earth food, plus some delicious stuff from other galaxies you haven’t tried yet.

Anthony was my best friend. An exceptional human being, so inspiring & generous. One of the great storytellers who connected w so many. I pray he is at peace from the bottom of my heart. My love & prayers are also w his family, friends and loved ones.

Anthony Bourdain had money, he had fame, he was respected. He had maybe the coolest job I can conceive of. This is all by way of saying: Depression doesn’t give a single solitary fuck. Get help if you need help. We need you here. Suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255

My absolute favorite Bourdain line: "Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter-faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn."

When I traveled to some exotic place I’d not been before -the last were Beirut and Amman- I’d text Bourdain & ask where I should eat. He gave the best, most fun recommendations. I’d like to think he’s scouting out the best watering holes and places to eat in heaven, right now.💔

As @NASA searches for life on Mars, we lose the life of beloved Anthony Bourdain on Earth. Implicit and explicit reminders of how precious life is, anywhere in the universe.

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Seriously Coked Out

  i have yet to see a picture of kash patel where he doesn't look coked out. Comment from Bluesky. And here are those eyes in action ...