Her name is Brittany Ozarowski and she is from Long Island.
She's 21 years old and is a heroin addict.
She's not a scuzzbucket because she's an addict. No, Brittany is a scuzzbucket for faking cancer and using the donations to buy heroin.
Brittany claimed to have ovarian, stomach, bone and brain cancer. She used her bogus diagnosis claim to raise tens of thousands of dollars from people to help pay for a year of “medical expenses,” Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota said.
“There was no cancer, no chemotherapy, no radiation and no medical bills,” Spota said. “There was just heroin.”
“She admitted to taking the money from people. She admitted she does not have cancer,” Prosecutor Michelle Pitman told reporters.
Prosecutors said Ozarowski left donor jars at Nassau and Suffolk county businesses and hit up supermarket shoppers for money. She also scammed her father and grandmother, who sold her house and gave Ozarowski more than $100,000.
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