Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our State Agencies' Activities

Noon 4/29/10: Jindal declares state of emergency (48 hours late)

Actions By State Agencies

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF):

Yesterday (4/28), the Coast Guard began working to protect the Pass-A-Loutre Wildlife Management area by placing 55,000 feet of oil containment boom around the affected area. Due to weather conditions, only around 9,000 feet of boom have been placed at Pass-A-Loutre. The 55,000 feet of boom was requested by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF). LDWF has requested 100,000 feet of boom to be staged at Venice. LDWF is working alongside their federal partners today to identify more priority areas to protect. Governor Jindal noted that these priority areas are where there is a concentration of wildlife and nesting birds.

LDWF is working with federal partners to see about the possibility of involving the fishing industry with the clean-up effort. LDWF’s biologists are also assessing the water to determine any potential closures for commercial and recreational fishermen. The earliest closures would come at some point late Friday or early Saturday morning.

After consulting with key fishing industry leaders and fisheries biologists, LDWF is also announcing that a special shrimp season will open this evening at 6PM in the portion of Breton and Chandeleur Sounds commonly-known as the “double-rig line.” “Reports have indicated that a number of large white shrimp are available in this portion of state waters and LDWF is making every effort available to the commercial fishing industry to harvest this marketable crop before the potential impact of the oil spill. These waters will remain open to shrimp harvesting until further notice.

The Governor stressed that Louisiana seafood is currently safe to eat and LDWF and other appropriate agencies will continue to monitor the fisheries. LDWF is also considering partnering with the Department of Corrections to train prisoners to help clean birds that may be impacted by the oil.

A toll-free number has been issued by the federal government to report oiled or injured wildlife. To report affected wildlife call (866) 557-1401.

Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ):

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has 40 regional staff members with oil spill and hazard experience deployed.

Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA):

The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) is evaluating models associated with the Caernarvon Diversion to identify the best way to use water from the Mississippi River to help mitigate the impact of the spill on Louisiana’s coast.

Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH)

The Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) will be issuing advisories if it is not safe to swim. Additionally, they are monitoring oyster beds and will take appropriate action shortly if oil impacts these areas. At this point, DHH does not anticipate a drinking water problem.

GOHSEP:(Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness)

GOHSEP has deployed its mobile command center to the Unified Area Command in Robert, Louisiana.

Why are they in ROBERT, LOUISIANA?????

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