Friday, July 10, 2009

New Twin Spans

The new I10 Twin Spans, which connect the northshore with the southshore, partially reopened on July 9th.

Beginning on Thursday, cars traveling east will get on the new eastbound span entrance ramp on the south shore. From there, they will be directed to cross over to the new westbound span, cross the lake and then cross over again to a second new eastbound ramp on the Northshore and then back onto I-10 east. In a week, after traffic signs and ramps have been re-configured, Slidell-to-New Orleans traffic will use the old eastbound span until the new Twin Span is totally finished.

As soon as the old eastbound span has changed to westbound, crews will begin to dismantle the old westbound span permanently. The old eastbound lane will also be dismantled after the new Twin Span is completed in 2011. St. Tammany Parish has already signed agreements to use part of the old eastbound span as a fishing pier.

Taking down the old westbound span will be a relief to motorists. Parts of it have been cobbled together for the past four years with special sections that tend to shake and move.

To those who use the bridges every day, this milestone has been a long time coming.

VIDEO: New I-10 bridge over Lake Pontchatrain opens to eastbound traffic

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