Thursday, December 04, 2008


1,195 days after Katrina:

From the A.P.:

Work begins on a 2-mile-long floodwall across canals that funneled Hurricane Katrina's storm surge into New Orleans and St. Bernard Parish.

The Army Corps of Engineers scheduled groundbreaking today for the $695 million barrier across the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet.

It's meant to keep storm surge out of the gulf outlet and the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, which runs into the Intracoastal Waterway.

graphic from the New York Times

During Katrina, the navigation canal carried storm surge into the 9th Ward, washing houses from their foundations. The gulf outlet is blamed for flooding in St. Bernard Parish and eastern New Orleans.

The corps calls it the largest design-build civil works project in its history.

The gulf outlet will be closed; wide gates will let shipping through the Intracoastal Waterway.


Anonymous said...

Amen, exactly! said...

Pretty effective piece of writing, much thanks for your article.

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