From Bayoubuzz website
Today, it was confirmed that a veto override session will not occur. A majority of Louisiana legislators returned ballots to cancel the session, which means that legislators will not be reporting to Baton Rouge next week to override the horrible vetoes made by Governor Blanco. Legislators are now free to participate in a junket in Boston, a national legislative convention, which many of them were looking forward to attending.
Other legislators will be campaigning for re-election. Yet, any legislators that voted to cancel this session should not be re-elected. Voters should not forget this momentous decision.
Unfortunately, the publicity campaign waged by the Louisiana Chemical Association failed. A more effective intimidation campaign was waged by the Governor's office, which threatened New Orleans legislators with retribution if they supported the veto session. New Orleans legislators crumbled in the face of this threat.
The override session could have restored necessary tax cuts for parents of private and parochial school students and businesses who face high taxes on utilities.
What is truly sad is that $32 billion was spent in the last session, but only a paltry amount was allocated to tax cuts. Then, several of the meaningful tax cuts approved by legislators were vetoed by Governor Blanco.
Our priorities are wrong, at least with this administration and this legislature. Hope springs eternal however, for elections are coming soon. These tax cuts should be restored by the next legislature, who will most likely have a much more cooperative Governor to work with.
Following is a list of Senators who voted not to hold a veto session.
No Veto Session Declaration List 2007 RS
Robert Adley
Diana Bajoie
Walter Boasso
Sharon Broome
Ann Duplessis
Reggie Dupre
Noble Ellington
Clo Fontenot
Butch Gautreaux
Nick Gautreaux
Francis Heitmeier
Ken Hollis
Don Hines
Lydia Jackson
Charles Jones
Art Lentini
Joe McPherson
Ed Murray
Ben Nevers
Derrick Shepherd
Mike Smith
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